What is the Eyeline Match in Film & How is it Achieved

What is the Eyeline Match in Film & How is it Achieved?

Throughout filmmaking and particularly in film editing there are a variety of steps taken. To ensure continuity and to help draw the audience into the story. Connecting them with the thoughts, characters, and underlying emotions of the character. An eyeline match in film is one of several techniques that are used by editors to achieve continuity. As well as to help the audience to connect closely with what the character is feeling and viewing. Mastering the eyeline match in film is something that many film editors will attempt.

But there’s more to connecting the character’s gaze with whatever is at the other end of their sight.

What is Eyeline Match in Film?

Eyeline match is a film editing technique that is used to cut two shots together. Such that the audience may infer what a character was looking at. The technique is frequently used to help the audience feel a connection to the story.

As they can “see” what the character is seeing, through the character’s eyes. This technique is often used when a shot includes a character. One who is looking at something, or someone, outside the existing frame of the shot.

Such that the audience cannot initially see what the character is looking at. Thus, the next shot, which is pieced in using the eyeline match technique. Showing what the character is looking at, generally from the same angle.

Eyeline Match in Continuity Editing

The term “eyeline match” in film is also used to describe a continuity editing technique. In which the editor uses the character’s gaze. As a means of maintaining the continuity of several shots as they are cut together.

In this sense, the eyeline match is used to ensure continuity between two shots. By creating the illusion of characters looking directly at each other. 

Eyeline match in film continuity can be used to create the appearance of multiple characters interacting with one another. As long as it is made clear who each character is looking at specifically.

To produce perfect continuity in regards to the eyeline match in film? Each character is asked to focus on a particular mark that is placed next to the camera lens.

How is the Eyeline Match in Film Achieved?

Producing a film with eyeline matches involves the use of special preparation of the scene. To ensure the characters know where to look, and when. Placing an “x”, usually in the color pink, next to the camera lens, lets the character know where to look.

So that the cinematographer is able to capture the eyeline match. This way, each character that is filmed can look in that exact same direction. To produce shots that the editor can later cut together using the eyeline match for continuity.

For shots that are not close up, or when characters are shown having a conversation with one another. There are other methods of achieving the eyeline match for continuity purposes. A wide shot shows the character talking to or looking at another character.

A subsequent close up shot would show the character. Who is looking at the camera from the exact same angle to produce the eyeline match. This technique is used in a variety of films and for different situations on set. 

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