What is Splatter Film and Why is it Popular?

What is Splatter Film and Why is it Popular?

Have you ever watched a film that made you think, “WOW, that was really Gore and kind of disturbing,” and you felt almost like there was a bit more blood and guts than you might have wanted to endure? When a film deliberately focuses on the graphic delivery of gore, blood guts and graphic violence that results in – splatter – you’re likely watching a splatter film. Various subgenres exist within the horror film genre including the splatter film. But what is splatter film? And why is this subgenre of horror films so popular?

What is Splatter Film?

A splatter film, sometimes referred to as a “torture porn,” represents a unique subgenre of horror films in which there’s an indefinite amount of splatter from blood, guts and gore.

In fact, splatter films deliver the concept of gore, guts and splatter in a way that no other genre or subgenre of film has the capacity to. These films frequently see mutilation through in a way that there is quite a bit of blood and a lot of artificial disturbance.

Despite potentially having a lack in the overall presentation of the story and often including choppy camerawork at best.

Blood & Guts

The splatter film is likely to include plenty of blood splatter and graphic violence. It will most certainly consist of plenty of gore throughout. It will most certainly include special effects that display distinct mutilation of the human body.

But it’s not all “good.” In terms of horror, the splatter film is going to lack a storyline that can be followed precisely.

Characteristics of a Splatter Film

So, what is a splatter film and how is it achieved? The reality is, splatter films generally deliver a jaw dropping visible splatter of blood, guts and gore when someone is killed, but the film is going to lack the storyline that many of us look for in a horror film.

Characteristics of a splatter film include:

  • An emphasis on the visual blood splatter and gore of the film.
  • Human body mutilation.
  • The use of gore and blood as an art form.
  • Hyperactive camera work.
  • A lack of order, no good, but plenty of evil.


Splatter films frequently feature fragmented storylines and a lack of direction. These films will, however, include the use of a number of camera movements and contrasting elements to produce the underlying gore, violence, and spectacle that keeps the audience engaged. 

Splatter Films from the Past

So what is a splatter film? It’s a gore filled, bloody scene filled, film that incorporates the realistic visuals of a human body mutilation along with a variety of features such as blood, wounds, and realistic carnage.

To establish the underlying storyline which may be slim but gritty nonetheless.

Check out these examples of splatter films from the past:

  • Psycho (1960)
  • Horror of Dracula (1958)
  • Blood Feast (1963)
  • Braindead (1992)
  • Cannibal Holocaust (1980)

The Takeaway

As you can see, in answering the question, “What is a splatter film?” It’s a type of film that was most prominent in the 1950s, 1960s and into the early 1990s but has since been less popular.

These films led to other forms of filmmaking, including the production of films that were more of a slasher film genre such as the 2005 release of Hostel and the Saw films including several sequels.