What is Satire in Film

What is Satire in Film?

The use of satire in filmmaking is rather common really. We’ve seen satire used in the creation of genre style films. And we’ve also seen it used as a literary device. Satire is certainly something that comes up in humorous films and comedies. But it’s also found in some less humor flicks too. But, what is satire in film?

What is Satire in Film?

Satire is so incredibly prevalent in our world that we often overlook it. Or don’t even realize that what we’re experiencing and facing head on is in fact, satirical.

It can be a part of the films you watch in everyday life. And it’s often present in the humorous side of comedy. But it’s also sometimes found poking through in not so humorous films, too.

The Various Elements

So what is satire in film? It’s actually both a genre and a literary device. Satire basically holds human nature up to a level of criticism and scorn that otherwise wouldn’t be considered acceptable in any other form.

Satire is usually politically charged, but not always. We see it come through as irony most of the time, but may also provide an err of humor or even an exaggeration of the sort.

Types of Satire in Film

In film and in literature we have seen many different types of satire play out. Common forms of satire include horatian satire which offers a slightly comedic commentary such that it’s as if poking fun at someone.

You might recognize this form of satire from Gulliver’s Travels or from certain late night television shows that poke fun at the political events of the day.

Darker Comedy

Another form of satire that is common in film is the Juvenalian satire. This form of satire is more dark and a bit less comedic in nature. It basically means that to speak truth is power.

And it’s common in the show South Park. It juxtaposes a bit of satirical what he said is true. You can’t argue the kind of element to it.

The last form of satire that is common in filmmaking is the use of Menippean satire. This form of satire basically aims to cast moral judgement on a particular belief or underlying element of culture or society.

With this form of satire, which is played out in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland as the novel pokes fun toward the upper class intellectualism that provides a very distinct. But ridiculed sense of humor there is a good nature about it. It’s satirical nonetheless.

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