What is a Medium Shot in Film?

What is a Medium Shot in Film?

If you’ve even watched a handful of films, you’ve most definitely seen an excessive number of medium shots carried out. But you may not have even noticed them all. Medium shots are so frequently used in filmmaking. That we may go as far as overlooking them. And not even recognizing their use. Medium shots, like other shots, are used to achieve different desired results. Often to emphasize character’s surroundings or to showcase multiple actors at once. But what is a medium shot in film?


What is a Medium Shot?

The medium shot is represented by a waist up shot that is generally captured from a medium distance between subject and camera. These shots are often abbreviated as MS but don’t mistake them for something small or lacking value!

The medium shot is used so frequently in filmmaking to frame groups of subjects or to shed light into a mix of the scenery of a space. Including just enough background along with the foreground to provide quite a bit of information from such a simple shot.

Why is a Medium Shot Used?

Medium shots are used in film to capture what characters are doing while equally providing insight into the scene itself. This shot is great for showing off important action and will frequently be employed to give the audience a glimpse of the costumes that a film’s characters are wearing.

Medium shots are versatile shots that allow the filmmaker to piece them together with other shots that provide for constant and consistent action.


You might see medium shots used in conjunction with close ups to provide a glimpse into a specific character’s mind. Or perhaps you’ll notice medium shots that are paired with more distanced wide shots to showcase an entire scene. 

Medium shots are used to show visuals that will disarm the audience. If something particularly funny is taking place within a scene, a medium shot is almost certain to come into place.

The shot will provide just enough insight and surrounding to provide the exact spectrum required for some informal connection between the audience and the characters of the scene.

Types of Medium Shots

Don’t mistake the medium shot for simple. There are many different ways that it can be carried out.

Medium shots are most common in the following types:

  • Medium close up shot
  • Two-shot
  • Medium shot
  • Medium long shot
  • Over-the-shoulder shot
  • Point-of-view shot
  • High-angle shot
  • Low-angle shot

In Summation

Finally, in answering the question, “What is a medium shot in film?” The medium shot is a versatile shot that can be carried out in a variety of ways to produce the desired view for the audience. 

Medium shots are among the most common in films, and the fantastic folks at Studio Binder have a great informative video to show just that: