Do I Really Need to Have a Film Crew Release Form From All Service Providers

Do I Really Need to Have a Film Crew Release Form From All Service Providers?

Release forms make up much of the paper trail that ultimately forms the chain of title. Which a film distributor will carefully review before they approve a film. And purchase it for distribution within their network or channel. In fact, the film crew release form is an important contract between the film crew member such as a cinematographer or an editor. That allows the producer to utilize the services of the film crew in their production. And retain the original copyright ownership to the work. You might be wondering if everyone on a film crew needs to sign a film crew release form. Or if it’s possible to have crew members work on set without these forms?

What is a Film Crew Release Form?

The film crew release form, sometimes referred to as a crew deal memo, represents the agreement made between the film producer and the film crew members that are providing their services on set.

The purpose of the film crew release is to ensure that any work provided by crew members, including editors, cinematographers, gaffers, and others involved in the production is provided as a “work for hire” agreement.

Which results in very specific Copyright protections being relinquished back to the film’s producer rather than those protections or rights staying with the film crew.

Do All Film Crew Members Have to Sign Release Forms?

We recommend that all film crew members sign release forms. In fact, if you’re going to consider distribution then having these film crew release forms from any and all crew members that provide services. Which lead to the creation of any portion of the film.

Which could otherwise be copyright protected, is a must. Any distributor is going to require that you have a clean chain of title. And the first thing they’re going to look for in establishing that clean chain of title is that all crew members have signed a film crew release form.

Or otherwise provided the work for hire agreement releasing the right to copyright back to the producer.


In a typical film production, everyone will need to sign a release form. This means actors and other talent such as background talent must sign talent release forms.

Meaning that film crew members such as the camera operators and special effects editors will need to sign film crew release forms.

This means that anyone that is publicly filmed as part of the creation of b-roll or other footage that is incorporated into the film will need to sign a release form.


Does everyone on your crew really need to sign a film crew release form? YES, it is recommended that all crew members sign a release. Keep in mind that the film crew release form will help you to maintain a clean chain of title.

Which will be necessary in order to secure distribution as well as to get E&O insurance in the future. And you’ll need it to avoid any future lawsuit for copyright ownership in the future.

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