
Creating an Educational Video for Blockchain Projects is Vital

As a business owner, it’s important to take steps frequently to engage your audience and keep them interested in your brand. Producing any type of video content for your marketing campaigns is important, especially as more consumers than ever before are interested in video content online. However, creating an educational video for blockchain projects that you’re involved in goes beyond important, it’s absolutely vital to the success of your campaign. 

As decentralization continues to move forward, consumers continue to have questions and concerns. Those who are not tech-savvy are confused about the entire process and want to know how all of this impacts them. Blockchain projects that are rapidly emerging within the industry are even more confusing to the average consumer than just about any other product or service we’ve seen in a long time. That’s why creating an educational video for blockchain projects that you’re involved in is a vital step towards educating your audience, building trust, and ultimately generating conversions for your brand.

Video Camera

More Powerful than Any Whitepaper

Recall, several years ago, when the whitepaper or case study was the way that consumers would learn about complex topics like blockchain technology and the businesses that are created around it. Those times are mostly behind us. Consumers no longer want to read long, technically detailed whitepapers in order to learn about new businesses, or the technology behind the brands that come from them. Instead, consumers want video!

In fact, video is the chosen format for learning about new products or services among not just the average consumer, but among more than 80% of executives, too. Sure, a long and detailed whitepaper might be able to get the details out into the open, but who’s going to read it? And, more importantly, after they read it, what will they recall? 

Consumers recall less than 10% of what they read versus their recollection of up to 95% of what they see in a video! The reality is, creating an educational video for blockchain projects that you’re involved in is going to get your point across more clearly, and more powerfully, than any whitepaper possibly could and, your audience is going to remember what you said!

Video Has the Highest ROI

If you’re still not convinced that you need educational video content for blockchain projects, consider the ROI that comes as a result of producing video over other forms of marketing media. It’s pretty simple, really. When you create a whitepaper or written case study, only a small fraction of people are going to read it. If you produce an educational video for blockchain projects that you’re working on, you can expect a significantly larger audience to engage. But it doesn’t stop with engagement, there’s also the ROI that comes from each type of marketing content.

It’s difficult to advertise blockchain technologies and the various details behind this type of business, however when it comes to marketing videos, you can get a lot of information across in a very little time. Video actually has the highest ROI of all creative assets. So, if you’re going to invest any money into educating your audience on the blockchain business that your involved in, why put it anywhere else when you know that video is going to bring in the highest ROI? 

According to more than half of all marketing professionals, video is the best type of content if you’re trying to educate an audience and get them on-board with your brand. In fact, video is so powerful that 93% of all marketers now use it in their campaigns and more than half do so on a daily or semi-daily, regular basis.

Educational Videos Convert Consumers

Whether you’re creating an educational video for blockchain projects that you’re working on because you’re trying to create awareness among your consumer audience or you’re trying to move them down the funnel toward conversions, educational videos have the power to deliver. Video content increases conversions across a variety of stages in your marketing campaign. In fact, when you create an educational video for blockchain projects and then distribute it throughout your various platforms and different stages of your marketing campaigns, you can expect conversions to go up.

Video increases conversions in the following ways:

  • Video increases website traffic.
  • Video increases landing page conversions.
  • Video increased email click-through-rates.
  • Video increases social media engagement.
  • Video increases social shares.
  • Video increases website sales.
  • Video increases all types of conversions.

Whether you’re looking for calls, leads, email clicks, or sales there is a way that you can produce educational video for blockchain projects that you’re involved in to generate higher conversions for your brand. 

Want to learn more about what you can do with educational videos that you create for your blockchain based business? Beverly Boy Productions brings more than two decades of experience to your project and can’t wait to assist you with taking the next step for your business. Give us a call to learn more about creating an educational video for blockchain projects that you’re involved in. We can’t wait to work with you!

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