
Planning Your Essential Questions for Case Study Videos

Everyone loves a great story that shares the truths about a business or brand and the solutions that it provides for its customers. The questions that you ask are absolutely essential to the interview process and they guide your storyline along the desired path to dictate the story that you wish to share with your audience. At Beverly Boy Productions we recommend planning your questions for case study videos carefully in order to ensure the most appropriate and suitable outcome.

To help you better plan for the essential questions for case study videos, we’ve compiled a list that will get you started off on the right path. To learn more about how to approach your case study interview, or for assistance in producing the case study videos for your business, give Beverly Boy Productions a call.

These are the most essential questions that you should be asking in order to create your case study videos:

Background Questions

First and foremost, you need to build the background story. This is going to help your audience to understand the purpose of the case study, how the story came about, and what the background is between the customer and your business. You’ll ask questions that help the audience to understand how your customer decided to begin shopping around for a brand like yours, what their primary pain point was, and what made them ultimately seek out a product or service that you provided.

To fill the background details of your story, questions for case study videos should include the following:

  • What is your name? 
  • What business or brand do you work with? (if creating a B2B case study)
  • What made you seek the services or products that we provide?
  • What was your primary pain point or the main concern that you had?
  • Did you try other competitor products or services?
  • How did you evaluate the business or brands that you decided to work with?
  • What problem were you looking to solve?

Your goal with background questions is to build the storyline that is leading up to your brand being the one that the customer found, used, and loved.

studio for interview

Solution Questions

Once you’ve built the background story, you need to start to focus on the solution that your business was able to provide for the customer. Planning your essential questions for case study videos that focus on the solutions that you provide for customers will help you to create a sense of connection with the appropriate audience and to build the authority and trust that is necessary for conversions to come out of the case study video.

To help build the story around your brand providing the ideal solution to the consumer’s problem, you’re going to ask questions like:

  • What other solutions did you try before finding our business or brand?
  • What did you not like about the solutions offered by competitors?
  • What made you try other options?
  • How did our product specifically help you more than the others that you tried?
  • What was your immediate thought after you found our product or service?
  • Did you need any help getting our product or service to work for you?
  • What were the primary benefits that you found with our brand?

The Statistical Questions

Now that you’ve managed to build your case, you’ve got background questions that help the audience to make the connection with your consumer so that they feel like they are alike, and you’ve provided the solution, which is exactly what your target audience is looking for themselves, it’s time to provide the facts or figures.

You’re going to need to cover questions for case study videos that focus on the statistics or the facts that your customer can present. This is absolutely essential to the authoritativeness of your video and to building the social proof that will result in high level conversions resulting from your case study. Consider the following questions:

  • Can you provide exact figures that help our audience to understand the benefit that our brand was able to provide for you?
  • What was the outcome that you found most valuable from turning to our brand over the others?
  • What are the 3 most important things you found about working with our business over others?
  • If you could provide any figures that would help a prospective customer to find value in our brand, what would they be?

These are the types of questions for case study videos that are going to help the audience to feel like they not only believe in your customer, but that their level of success is appropriate for them to consider using your brand or business themselves.

Working with a Professional

When it comes to planning your essential questions for case study videos, working with a professional can help you to derive a series of questioning that will dictate the storyline that you wish to convey to your audience. This takes practice, and it really does require someone that understands the interview process and the questioning that goes along with it. To learn more about working with a professional on the questions for case study videos that you wish to produce, give Beverly Boy Productions a call!

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