
Tips for Producing an Effective Facebook Video Ads Case Study

If your business has been successful with Facebook video ads, producing a Facebook Video Ads Case Study that represents the successes that you have achieved can have profound benefits for your brand. Video case studies are an incredibly powerful marketing tool after all, but the benefits achieved out of the production of a video case study are largely tied to the quality of the production and the expertise behind the project.

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A Facebook Video Ads Case Study that lacks professional production, doesn’t follow the appropriate structure, or is missing specific details in regards to targeting or focus can draw the wrong kind of attention to your business. That’s why we’ve put together some tips for producing an effective Facebook Video Ads Case Study that we believe will be helpful to our audience including brands or businesses like yours!

At Beverly Boy Productions we work closely with clients in the Facebook advertising space to produce top quality marketing videos that reflect the professionalism and expertise of the brand. These tips for producing an effective Facebook Video Ads Case Study video come direct from the experts on our team as a means of guiding the way for you. Follow these tips for the success of your brand when producing video case studies.

  1. Consider the Benefit of Hiring a Professional Production Company

It goes without saying, if you want a professionally produced Facebook Video Ads Case Study, you’re probably going to need to hire a professional production company to assist you. Unless you have expert video production experience in your background, hiring a professional video production company to assist you should be first up on your to-do list if you really want to produce an expert case study video. Don’t skimp out on this!

  1. Follow the Appropriate Video Ads Case Study Structure

Pretty much all case study videos have a similar structure, it’s what makes them effective. They start with describing a particular problem, for a Facebook Video Ads Case Study, it’s probably going to include something about ad spend, retargeting, ad failure, ad conversion optimization, or anything of the sort. The case study opens with details about the problem and a brief on the project followed by information about the action plan and what solution or events took place, customers that were worked with, etc. At the conclusion of the case study, the results of the study are revealed.

This structure generally includes a mix of video, text, and data points that are largely collected through client interviews and expert testimony. This is then utilized to form the story which follows the structure:

  • Project introduction including the problem or topic of study.
  • Action plan including the steps taken to solve the problem.
  • Results including key statistics, figures, or data that supports the outcome.
  1. Incorporate Specific Targeting

Targeting is absolutely essential to the success of a video case study project. Not only do you need to properly target your key audience or market, but you also need to be sure that you’ve planned the targeting of specific goals and objectives for your video.

Aligning your video content to any broader business goals that your brand or agency may have will further ensure the successful outcome of your Facebook Video Ads Case Study project.

  1. Don’t Lose Focus of the Overall Goal

As you’re filming the case study interviews, chatting with past clients about the success that you brand was able to achieve, and openly discussing outcomes with experts in your field, it’s very important that you never lose sight of the overall original goal of the case study project. Whether your goal was to improve audience trust, build credibility, or increase conversions for your brand, keeping this goal in focus is essential throughout the project.

Each step you take and each detail included in the study should have a core objective that aligns with the overall goal of your project. Thus, if your goal is to increase sales by 10% through the case study video that boosts audience awareness and trust in your brand, make sure that in every aspect of the production you are considering this goal.

  1. Include Expert Testimony & Client Interviews

Expert testimony and client interviews are the foundation of any case study project. Producing an effective Facebook Video Ads Case Study is going to include a mix of expert testimonials that are guided by your interview process to tell the background story and plenty of client interviews that represent the successes or failures that your business has endured as a result.

If you’re not familiar with the expert interview process or the steps you should take and questions you should be asking to drive the story for your case study video, consider seeking the assistance of a professional.

  1. Back it All Up with Stats

Ultimately, the level of trust and engagement that you can garner from a Facebook Video Ads Case Study is contingent upon the statistics, facts, and figures that are used to back the business up. Without statistics, you lack credibility and without credibility, your case study will lack value. Therefore, you should back every claim up with a statistic or figure, back all expert testimony up with facts and statistics, and back up any claims to success with customer testimony.

Ready to produce your first Facebook Video Ads Case Study? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call today!

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