How to Make Comedy Videos

Whether you’re a comedian or just a business that believes you can benefit greatly from the use of a little bit of comedy and laughter in your marketing efforts, you may have wondered how to make comedy videos.

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Businesses can stand to gain a lot from incorporating a little bit of comedy and laughter into the video content that is produced for customers.

In fact, learning how to make comedy videos is something that many clients ask us about because they believe doing so can help them to connect with their audience members in a positive, lighter tone. 

At Beverly Boy Productions, we teach clients how to make comedy videos for their brands all the time and we help them to bring their humorous side out.

Give us a call at 888-462-7808 to learn more about the use of comedy in your video content! To learn how to make comedy videos, continue reading.

Brainstorm Ideas

First, you’ve got to brainstorm your ideas. Learning how to make comedy videos that your audience will truly connect with is all about coming up with the most interesting and engaging ideas that your audience will love.

As you brainstorm, keep in mind that you don’t necessarily have to write jokes in order for something to be considered a comedy. Humor can come in the form of a particularly funny event, situation, image, or idea.

Write Script

Once you’ve got your idea, you can write your script. Learning how to make comedy videos that your audience engages with requires you to practice script writing.

A great script will maximize the use of visuals rather than words. Keep in mind that every single word counts and that you should keep the wordiness to a minimum.

Plan Storyboard

storyboard pictures

Once you’ve got your script, you can storyboard your video. The storyboard will reflect each of the scenes and sets of your video.

This is your chance to draw out the ideas that you have and to plan your camera angles and shots. Carefully planning your storyboard allows you to maximize your creativity.

Schedule Your Shoot

Once you’ve got your storyboard ready, you can schedule your shoot. While on set you and your cast will play out each of the unique scenes and sets that your script is focused on.

You should use professional equipment and tools to ensure your comedy videos are not only funny, but also that they appear professional. 

If shooting your comedy video sounds like something that is beyond your ability, consider hiring a professional to help you learn how to make comedy videos that you can post on your website, social media profiles and other campaigns.

Beverly Boy Productions specializes in producing professional videos. Give us a call at 888-462-7808 to learn more about producing comedy videos for your business.

Edit Your Video

Part of learning how to make comedy videos is learning how to edit. Video editing is one of the most important tasks of the production because this is where your video footage is finalized into a real, working comedy flick.

Editing can include the addition of special effects, graphics, sounds, and various other elements to improve the finished quality of your video.

Collaborate with Team Beverly Boy

To learn more about the production of comedy videos, give Beverly Boy Productions a call at 888-462-7808!