4 Remote Video Production Tips for Beginners

4 Remote Video Production Tips for Beginners

At Beverly Boy Productions, we often forget how much we really do take our knowledge of video production for granted. After two decades of professional experience, we can walk into a room and instantly visualize placement of cameras, lighting, and audio equipment for a shoot. But the average business owner cannot do this, and for good cause–they don’t have near the experience.

That’s why we thought it would be fun to put together a list of remote video production tips for beginners to help you get the most out of our video drop kits and remote production equipment that can be delivered to your home or office for professional quality capture by a beginner like yourself.

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To learn more about our video drop kits, give us a call at 888-462-7808! Video production drop kits make remote video production with professional equipment affordable and easy. One call and the equipment can be delivered to your home or office.

Check out these tips to get you started:

1. Choose A Quiet Filming Location

You may not realize the amount of noise that is occurring in your office each day–you’re probably used to it, but your viewers will not be accustomed to the noise. Small noises like the air conditioning kicking on or the phone in the next office ringing will be captured on your video and that can distract the viewer.

Check Your Surroundings

Listen closely in the area that you’ll film in. If you hear traffic, consider an alternate spot. If you hear the air conditioner, consider turning it off. Any steps you can take to minimize noise now will help your remote video production be a greater success later.

2. Use Natural Lighting to Your Advantage

The natural lighting is your friend. Use it to your advantage if you have it. Consider the light of a window. Make sure if there is a window in the room, the camera is set in front of the window and not facing it. Lighting behind you will make you appear dark, or even black, on the camera. 

Improve Video Quality

A good source of light will make your remote video production appear higher quality. If the office or room that you intend to film in is dim or dark, consider adding light to it either from overhead but not directly over you, or in another area of the room. Use a lamp or similar light source to illuminate your face.

3. Frame Your Shot

Framing is an art that production professionals know quite well, but that beginners are often unaware of. As you frame your shot, consider the rule of thirds. Never frame your face directly in the center of the camera–you should be on the left or right third of the screen.

Connect with Your Audience

Your eyes should be about two thirds from the bottom of the screen, or just a bit higher up. This will help the viewer to feel more connected with you and will make you appear more visually appealing on the screen.

4. Prepare Your Background

A busy background will make it difficult for the viewer to pay attention. The background should be clean and visually appealing. A plain background is okay, or a background with nothing overly busy. You don’t want clutter. Make the background simple and easy on the eyes.

Consider This

If you have a bunch of clutter, consider a sheet or other plain source that can be hung to create the background for your project. It’s better to have nothing in the background, then a moving object such as an open window with people walking by or traffic on a road. Consider this as you prepare your remote video production location. 

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