
YouTube SEO Video Marketing Tips for Success

What do you think of when you think about video SEO? Do you think about posting videos on your own website and ranking them well in Google? Do you think about posting videos on YouTube and ranking them well? Do you think of something entirely different? Hacking YouTube to achieve success with your SEO video marketing campaigns is important if you want to truly achieve success online. In fact, YouTube could be more powerful than Google in terms of video rankings–so you need to know what you’re doing!

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If you want to generate tons of traffic for your brand. you’ve got to know YouTube SEO. Video marketing that focuses on YouTube can help you achieve great success online. Here’s what you need to do:

1. Do Your Keyword Research

Before you produce your video you should be searching for relevant keywords that can be used throughout your content and your SEO initiatives to ensure that not only your content is focused, but also that you’re using topics people are searching for. There’s nothing worse than producing videos, blog content, or even written marketing campaigns that have not been properly researched and will not drive traffic.

Consider any of the following tools to research keywords for your video:


2. Use Keywords in Your Video Tags, Title, and Descriptions

Once you’ve found the keywords that you’ll produce your SEO video marketing content around, make sure that you’re appropriately using those keywords in the areas that are provided for you to fully optimize. For example, you’ll want to include keywords in your video title, the description of your video, and the associated tags that you use to connect your video with other topics on YouTube.

Keep in Mind

Make sure that these keywords are used naturally. DO NOT STUFF KEYWORDS! You can use variations and different keyword phrases or other related keywords to get the most out of the research that you did.

3. Add Subtitles & Closed Captions

YouTube SEO video marketing can be expanded to your subtitles and the closed captions that you incorporate into your video content for the channel. Consider the use of subtitles that relate to your keywords and closely-relevant topics that are aligned with your video. You can also take steps to update the closed caption of your video so that those who may not be able to hear can get involved and read what you have to say.

4. Use a Custom Thumbnail

A thumbnail that shows a human face and attracts the consumer to your video is important to your SEO video marketing tactics. This is how you can encourage people to watch your video content.

Be Consistent

Use a custom thumbnail image for every video you post and consider the use of branding or other features relevant to your business to help consumers connect your video to your brand.

5. Choose YouTube Categories Wisely

Choose your video categories appropriately. You’ll want to choose categories that are going to closely relate to your content and that will allow consumers to find your video when they seek content relative to your brand.

Keep it Relevant

While you may place your video in more than one category, do not place videos in categories that are irrelevant. 

Let’s Find Success

These SEO video marketing tips will help you to achieve success on YouTube for your brand. For more tips and tricks, give Beverly Boy Productions a call at 888-462-7808!

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