title top 5 marketing activities improved with video

Top 5 Marketing Activities Improved with Videos

Marketing is a fundamental element at the core of business success. Without it, your business may not be recognized by many and your sales stagnate. With it, you can be torn in several directions trying to make all the different pieces of the puzzle fit together as your business continues to grow. With so many different types of marketing and opportunities to expand digitally, making the most out of your efforts takes a few essential tips and tools. 

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These are the top 5 marketing activities improved with videos.

1. Social Media Marketing

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Social media marketing puts your brand in front of a diverse audience of both people that know and want to be connected to your brand and those that are unfamiliar with your brand. Brands can use video in their social media marketing for a variety of purposes.

Just check these facts:

  • YouTube is the second most popular website online next in line to Google. Nearly 2 billion users take to YouTube on a regular basis to watch videos.
  • Twitter is not just for short snippets of information anymore. Studies show that 82% of Twitter users watch video content on the site now.
  • Viewers on Instagram watch 80% more video year to year and growing.
  • Snapchat users share 2.1 Million videos every minute on the social app.
  • More than 50% of marketers on LinkedIn report posting video and 84% say it is successful.

Obviously video is useful in social media. As you consider using it for your marketing efforts pay special attention to the social platforms your ideal audience is spending time at and consider offering a mix of videos that can make their experience with your brand more valuable.

2. Content Marketing

Your content marketing efforts can be expanded exponentially with video content. In fact, many businesses start their video libraries by repurposing their blog content that is performing well into video content.

Without video, you’re missing an entire audience of people who don’t enjoy reading content but are still interested in your core message. Deliver the message to them with video!

Videos can be used in several ways to improve your content marketing initiatives.


  • Using video to explain a complex topic in your blog or on your website.
  • Videos that summarize a blog post so that those seeking a quick overview can get the key message without reading.
  • Guest interviews with experts in your industry.
  • How-to videos that show the intricacies of your products or services.

There are endless ways to use video in your content marketing efforts. Get started today by calling Beverly Boy Productions to learn more.

3. SEO

seo tasks

Did you know that you can dramatically boost your search engine rankings just by adding video content to your website? Websites are noticing that pages with supporting video content are ranking higher in search and resulting in stronger click-through rates compared to pages that do not include this form of media.

If you’re not already seeing the benefits of using video for this marketing activity, consider these potential benefits that you’re missing out on:

  • Increased rank for important keywords.
  • Increased search engine coverage with video clips included in the search engine results.
  • Improved click-through rates on pages with video.

To get started with video to increase your rankings, consider some of your underperforming pages that could benefit from a how-to video or an expert interview to prove the expertise your page has over competitors. Start adding videos to those pages and watch the rankings improve with your SEO activities.

4. Paid Advertising

Various paid marketing activities can be improved with video content. Paid video ads can be included in you social media campaigns as well as your Pay Per Click campaigns.

In fact, studies prove that 33% of shoppers say they purchased a product following a video ad showing the product. If you’re not using video in your paid advertising, you’re missing out on a lot of opportunity.

Videos can attract attention to what you have to offer. Whether it’s a product, service, sale, or some other promotion, videos can be used to accentuate the content you already have and grasp the attention of a wider audience. Consider using video in all of your paid advertising campaigns.

5. Email Marketing

Emails that include video have higher click-through rates, increased open rates and higher conversions. Email marketing with video is like adding new tricks to the trade.

Even if you’re not including the entire video in your email, consider including images that link to video in your email to get some of the benefits of interaction that come from video in a user’s inbox.

Visuals that include a play button are more likely to be clicked even if the link is not to actually make the video play but rather to send the user to the video. Give readers a clear understanding that by clicking they will land on a page with a video.

These top 5 marketing activities improved with videos are just a starting point on how you can use video to your advantage. For help creating videos for each of these initiatives, call Team Beverly Boy at 888-462-7808.

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