Live Streaming Music in a World of Social Distancing
Social distancing is quickly becoming the new “norm” for societies around the World as COVID-19 continues to ravage countries large and small. Amidst it all, humans still crave interaction and the ability to be entertained. Many are turning to music as a means of keeping themselves calm and otherwise in check despite fears and inherent changes that have occurred as a result of the novel coronavirus. Live streaming music and concerts is quickly becoming a welcomed activity that people can take part in from their homes, enjoying everything from classic rock to opera via a broadband internet connection.
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In Italy, residents took to their balconies to sing praises and just to show others that they are still one-united, despite being on lockdown for several days. Proof that music is what keeps us connected even when times are challenging and fear of the unknown is very much a concern in everyday life.
Different Strokes
Live streaming for musicians varies. Some take to Facebook Live to stream with very basic equipment such as a smartphone camera and the built in microphone. Others seek a more formal approach to producing a live streaming music performance for fans that appears very much like a concert would if the fans were to have attended in-person, complete with pristine lighting and sound.
As terms such as, “social distancing” and “COVID-19” continue to be household names across the nation and worldwide, live streaming concerts appears to be one of few forms of entertainment that we can still actively participate in–at least from our living rooms, that is.
What is Live Streaming for Musicians?
Live streaming for musicians represents key technology that allows music artists to actively play their songs for the world, but instead of playing in a sold out arena (where, undoubtedly, germs would be passed around and shared), the music is played for a video production team that uses broadband internet connection to stream the show to presumably anyone that wishes to see.
Many artists are currently providing free, live-streamed concerts for fans amidst COVID-19 but some are also considering how to incorporate the use of VIP-access to live streaming concerts for fans on a long-term, futuristic basis.
Live streaming has been an interesting option for musicians for several years now, but only with the outbreak of coronavirus have musicians really considered adopting the idea of live stream concerts, rehearsal sessions, and events to share with their fans.
While we may not currently be able to promote spending countless hours in front of fans at shows, we can certainly promote producing live streamed concerts and events that will keep fans actively engaged with your band until venues begin to operate freely once again.
Benefits of Live Streaming Concerts
Maybe you’re a musician that’s been affected by COVID-19 and had to cancel concerts or other important events that were on your calendar, most have! If you’re wondering how offering a live streamed concert or event will be beneficial to both you and your fans, we understand! How could producing something more to give away possibly be helpful to you?
But, but attracting people to your live streamed concerts, similar to the way you would if the concert were another in-person event that was taking place at the arena down the road, you’re connecting with both existing and potential new fans.
Musicians that live stream, especially now, have the benefit of reaching new fans with their music and potentially increasing overall ticket sales later on.
Live streaming has many other benefits for musicians including:
- Opportunity to prove your skills to an audience before tickets go on sale for the next big concert.
- Ability to build out a fan base that reaches further than in-person concerts even can.
- Ability to involve fans that were unable to attend your show (either due to personal reasons, distance, or anything really.)
- Ability to offer a VIP-experience online for a fee, effectively bringing in revenue even when in-person shows have been canceled.
Addressing Concerns
You might have concern over the idea of live streaming concerts after the COVID-19 social distancing and lockdowns are no longer in place. After all, it is common place to be worried that if you offer a live streaming service to fans that some would not come to the in-person show and would opt for the live-stream version instead. But there are ways to get around this.
Geofencing and other technologies allow you to choose where the livestream is available so that fans that are within the geographic area suitable to attend your show in person would not have access to the live stream. This is just one of the many controls you have to ensure a tailored experience to your fans that you are in control of.
Start Live Streaming Music Today
Ready to get started with live streaming music and concerts for your fans? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call at 888-462-7808. We’ll help you put together top-quality live streaming concerts and special events for your fans both during COVID-19 and even when there isn’t a nasty virus disrupting our social lives. Team Beverly Boy cannot wait to help you live stream your performances for fans worldwide!