8 Traits to Look for in a Top Atlanta Cinematographer

8 Traits to Look for in a Top Atlanta Cinematographer

A cinematographer spends countless hours behind the camera actively working to deliver the creative vision of the director to the audience. Everything that the cinematographer does behind the camera to alter the view or perception of the naked eye on the scene will play a role in how the vision is delivered to the audience. It takes patience, loyalty, and confidence as well as creativity and passion to make this happen. Discovering the most important traits for an Atlanta cinematographer to have will help you to find and choose the most appropriate camera operator for your needs.

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We’ve listed several important traits here:

1. Patience

The cinematographer will spend long hours behind the camera, often waiting for further direction from the director or producer or engaging actors to improve their understanding of the intended function of the act or scene.

It takes great patience to await the unanimous agreement that must take place between everyone involved for the scene to come together just right for the camera.

2. Loyalty

An Atlanta cinematographer has a loyalty to those in front of the camera, to do his or her best to make the talent appear just right for the audience.

They’re equally loyal to the art of producing quality film. They’re committed and ready to do whatever it takes, no matter how challenging it can (and will) be at times. 

3. Confidence

Camera operators work with a variety of people both on the film set and in post-production.

They must be confident in their own abilities and have a strong understanding of the elements within their control (light, time, exposure, contrast) as well as those that may not be within their control too.

4. Creativity

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Filmmaking requires a lot of creativity, even for an Atlanta cinematographer that is just entering the film scene a level of creativity is required to fully envision each shot and the various ways that it could take place.

This individual is creative in everything they see and do.

5. Passion

Cinematographers have a passion for what they do – they just love it!

They are passionate about working with others, they are passionate about the equipment and gear that they work with, and they’re passionate about how all of this comes together to produce elaborate scenes and shots that entertain and amaze the audience. 

6. Meticulous

An Atlanta cinematographer with a meticulous mindset and strong attention for detail will prove most useful for your filmmaking.

They study their past work to determine where they went wrong, what they did right, and what they could have done differently. They often know beforehand whether a particular shot will be successful or not.

7. Kindness

A genuine level of kindness and just overall being a nice person is something that many cinematographers seem to possess.

Working with people all around kind of requires a sense of kindness in order for relationships to be comfortable and unscripted.

8. Decisiveness

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An Atlanta cinematographer knows what they want. They will do what it takes to prepare and know exactly what they expect to achieve with a particular shot or scene.

They have a plan and they have already decided how it should go before the time comes to play it out.

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