What is Soliloquy in Films & What does it Mean

What is Soliloquy in Films & What does it Mean?

In filmmaking, many different literary devices and techniques are used to drive the story and deliver key insights into the characters, building each character up as the narrative is delivered. Much like in writing a novel or in other forms of storytelling, the soliloquy is common in filmmaking and in screenplays. But you may not realize the prominence of soliloquy in films. Perhaps you’ve heard them described as a monologue or as a form of extended speech by a particular character? But, what is soliloquy in films? How does one use it?

What is a Soliloquy?

A soliloquy represents a particular type of monologue or character speech such that it takes place in a way where no other character is around to hear it.

In fact, with a soliloquy there is nobody around to listen to the monologue but the audience. The speech is delivered to the audience, but not so much in a direct way.

How to Use Soliloquy in Films

Soliloquy in films represents a unique opportunity for the screenwriter to share detailed inner thoughts of a character in narrative form such that no other characters are listening, but such that the screenwriter may build up the character for the audience.

Several different types of soliloquy in filmmaking include:

  • The soliloquy to oneself – the most common in which the character thinks out loud and talks to an empty room.
  • A soliloquy to a surrogate – this is when the speaker talks to an object. Such as a stuffed animal, a pet, or some other inanimate object.
  • The soliloquy to the audience – this is when the character breaks the fourth wall and speaks to the audience directly.

A Popular Device

As you can see, the use of the soliloquy in films is incredibly popular. consider all of the different ways that this form of literary device can be used to build up details about a character.

By allowing them to express their inner views for the audience without other characters engaging or hearing, you’ll notice many instances in film in which this is utilized.

Examples of Soliloquy in Films

So what films have you seen in which the use of the soliloquy provided great insight and extreme value to the movie?

We can think of a few, as follows:

  • Blade Runner – when Roy Batty is near death and reflects his life experiences.
  • Taxi Driver – Travis Bickle delivers an unhinged and incredibly powerful speech.
  • Minority Report – Agatha’s speech about her past now that she is not semi-comatose.

There are many. If you watch any great Shakespeare play you’ll see the use of this literary device to perfection. But it is certainly a bit less common in film although equally useful and profound. 

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