What is a Yawner in Film

What is a Yawner in Film?

Have you ever been to a movie and found it so incredibly boring that all you could do is yawn your way through and hope for it to end? This is one of several signs of a yawner. But it’s not the only way to define such a film. In fact, when a film is called a yawner? There’s more to it than just a film that is boring to watch. But, what is a yawner? And what does it mean if a film is labeled a “yawner” in the industry?

What is a Yawner in Film?

When we say a film is a yawner, it’s definitely a film that lacks an attention-grabbing feature. One that would be expected from a typical Hollywood box office hit. But there’s more.

We’re not talking about just a movie that you lacked interest in. But a film which was low-budget, independently produced, and less than b-grade in terms of production quality.


The term “Yawner” in the film industry represents a movie that is sometimes referred to as a Z-film or a Z-movie. 

If you’ve ever heard of a B-movie, then you know that these films are lower quality, have less production budget, and tend to lack some of the prime time elements that are expected in a box office hit.

Well, take that down another notch. And you’ve got a Z-movie or a yawner. Yawners represent low-budget films that have equally low quality standards. With which tend to have mediocre scripts that leave the audience less than enthused.

Why Are Yawners Produced?

So, you’re probably wondering. If these films are so boring, and lack so much quality, why produce them? It’s really unknown why some films are produced with such a lack of quality and a lack of overall care to improve.

Critics call these films “the worst” and for good cause! Many have scripts that make no sense, plots where are incoherent, and dialogue that is equally absurd.

They lack continuity, blatantly show a lack of skill in the production. And often feature techniques that are hardly a step above those expected from someone that has never filmed before in their lives.

The Benefits

So why produce a yawner? Well, some have found luck in producing such gravely poor excuses for filmmaking. Which have gone on to be sold to late night television subscription services, including HBO Zone and Cinemax.

Some yawners and z-films are so incompetent that they actually gain a cult-like following not because they are so grand to exhibit.

But for the absurdity and absolute hilarity of their shortcomings and the fact that someone would go through the process of “production” with such a lack of respect for the true value and techniques of the industry. 

In Summary

So what is a Yawner in film and why produce one? A yawner is a low-budget, low-quality, downright boring film. Sometimes referred to as a z-movie.

Which may be produced for a number of reasons. But which almost certainly lacks quality or respect for the industry. And, despite it all, may gain a cult-like following if not for quality, for the absolute lack thereof. 

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