Is a Location Agreement Needed to Film From the Road

Is a Location Agreement Needed to Film From the Road?

Filming from any location is likely to require an agreement. The terms of the agreement are generally laid out between the filmmaker and the location owner. Well in advance of the shoot. Filming on public property will generally not require the same level of permissions. Or an individual agreement that you might assume for private property. But, is a location agreement needed to film from the road? 

Videographer Prepping Camera Gear 192

Rules vary, especially when you’re filming from the roadway. You might require a permit to film from the road. Particularly if you and your crew will interrupt the normal traffic. Or even other conditions of the road!

So, if you’re wondering, “Is a location agreement needed to film from the road?”  

Shooting Public Property

Roadways are rarely owned by the public. Thus, if you’re wondering, is a location agreement needed to film from the road? The answer is – it varies.

Shooting on public property, such as a park or elsewhere, is not likely to require a location agreement. Thus, if you’re shooting on public property, like a roadway, you most likely will not require a location agreement.

Shooting Government Property

Sometimes the roadways are owned by the government. In these cases, you might be wondering. Is a location agreement necessary to film from a roadway? Something that is government property? The answer is, probably not!

However, you will likely require a permit, absent of a location agreement.

Individual Permit Rules

A film permit is another form of agreement. It strictly outlines the details of your permissions to use a particular area to film. Such as a roadway or parking lot.

While a location release is generally not required for filming on government property. There are individual permit rules for each of the areas you will film in. And it’s up to you, the filmmaker, to understand these rules.

Shooting Private Property

What if a roadway that you’re going to film from is private? Is a location agreement necessary to film from the road if the road is private property? The answer is – yes!

Say you’re filming from a private roadway. Such as a driveway or other roadway. A location in an HOA or otherwise on private property. You’re almost guaranteed to require a location agreement.

One which outlines key details regarding your permissions. As well as the agreement made between your crew and the property owner. Regarding how you will utilize the roadway for your film shoot.

In Summation

As you can see, location releases are important. But you may wonder. Is a location agreement needed to film from the road? The answer will vary based on whether the road is owned by the government or it is privately owned.

It’s best to talk with an attorney before you make any final decisions. 

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