How Do Film Crews Block Off a Street

How Do Film Crews Block Off a Street?

As a student filmmaker, you’re probably elated at the idea of your first “real” professional film shoot. You can’t wait to be there, but when you see the address there’s a bit of confusion. The address lists an entire city block for the shoot, but how could that be? How do film crews block off a street or an entire city block for filming? 

Videographer Prepping Camera Gear 192

It’s certainly understandable if you’re a film student that is wondering, “How do film crews block off a street?” Surely closing traffic down for several days requires some sort of “due process” or something, doesn’t it?

Depending on the city location and the street that is being used for filming. The steps involved in blocking off a street may vary slightly. But there will most certainly be specific regulations to follow. So how is it done?


Although the process of applying for and obtaining a film permit is different in each city and state. The overall underlying rule or regulation that a film permit is required. In order for a production company to block off a city street and begin filming is pretty standard.

All the filmmaker has to do is communicate in advance with the city film permitting department. And address their desire to block off a particular street for a scheduled time.

All of these details will be outlined in the film permit. Which the filmmaker will apply for several weeks ahead of time.


There’s usually some kind of fee involved for the permit. And since a city street is being blocked off. Which will require some support from local law enforcement or other officials. In order to direct traffic and otherwise keep things safe, there could be additional expenses associated.

For example, the filmmaker might be required to pay an hourly or day wage for the support crew. Which are required to direct traffic, maintain crowd control, and otherwise perform law enforcement duties that directly relate to the production itself. 

These fees will be addressed when the filmmaker applies for the permit and communicates their need for additional city officials for support.

Alternative Routes

Another consideration when examining an answer to the common question, “How do film crews block off a street?” is the submission of an alternative route plan with the permit. Many cities require that along with the permit the filmmaker submit any plans for alternate routes.

Which they propose the community use during the shoot to limit traffic and maintain adequate crowd control in the area where filming is taking place. Keep in mind that the city itself might have a different idea as to how to redirect traffic.

Or otherwise reorganize the route so that there is minimal impact on locals. While providing maximum safety on the city street where filming is to take place. 

All Considerations

Traffic patterns, the time of day that the street will be blocked off, and various other concerns will be considered before establishing road closures, alternate routes, and appropriate official intervention for the production.

Once all details have been established, the local businesses or homeowners that reside in the area to be blocked off will be notified. So that they may plan for the possible inconvenience. 

The Takeaway

So, how do film crews block off a street? It’s really a matter of applying for the film permit to shoot within the city and within the permitting process the additional need to block a city street off would be addressed.

During that time, the filmmaker might be asked to propose details as to additional crowd or traffic control needs. And alternate routes that have been planned to limit the disruption to area businesses and homeowners. 

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