Can I Use Leko for Follow Spot Light

Can I Use Leko for Follow Spot Light?

Throughout the production of every film comes the need for various forms of light. Naturally, the set needs key lighting, practical lighting, fill lights. And even spotlighting depending on the film. As you’re narrowing down the various types of light and the uses for each. You might be wondering. Can I use Leko for follow spot light? This question comes up a lot among film crews, let’s take a look at what we’re referring to.

interview lighting

What is Leko Light?

Gaffers certainly know what Leko light is, but in case you’re unfamiliar. The Leko light is basically the ellipsoidal reflector light. That was once primarily used for lighting large auditoriums and concert venues.

Projecting bold, bright light through a lens contained within a barrel which produced a powerful spotlight.

Think of the theatrical spotlight, that would follow a character around on stage. Illuminating him and everything around him. That’s Leko light. 

Leko light has a unique ability to focus on a large, or small, area of the stage or set. It can be targeted to reach places that are otherwise difficult to reach with lighting and has a unique way of changing shape. 

What is Follow Spot Light?

So, to help you understand whether Leko light can be used for follow spot light. It makes sense to also touch base on exactly what follow spot light is.

In theatrical performances, the follow spot or spotlight was used to illuminate the character that was the primary focus for the current scene or part of the scene. 

The follow spot operator would use a plot sheet, devised by the lighting designer in advance of the performance, to follow the appropriate characters or cast members on the stage.

Moving the light gracefully from one area of the stage to another was certainly more complicated than you might think, and took practice. Lots of practice.

Can I Use Leko for Follow Spot Light?

Now that we’ve filled in the details as to what Leko light is, can it be used for follow spot light? The technical answer is, absolutely!

Leko lighting provides the direct illumination that is to be expected from a spotlight. And allows for adjustments to the size of the light beam as well as the shape of the beam.

This makes for the ability to create the desired outcomes of lighting for characters. No matter where they are within the scene. Although few films utilize the spotlight method as they tend to err towards the many other forms of lighting that provide more practical.

Realistic views for the camera, the use of Leko for follow spot light can work for some scenes or types of films. Especially those which are aiming to recreate the desired look of a stage performance with spotlighting applied!

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