A Teen’s Guide to the Film Set- Teen Actor Rules You Must Know

A Teen’s Guide to the Film Set: Teen Actor Rules You Must Know

Whether you’re a teen that’s considering a role in the film industry or you’re a film producer that’s considering whether or not to hire a teen actor. Knowing the rules which apply to teen actors in the film industry will be important. Teens considering a role in film or television must be prepared to follow all essential film set teen actor rules. As they are set forth by the production company that hired the teen talent. Likewise, the production company is required to follow rules that are set by local and federal government in regards to standard child labor practices. 

As a teen that’s taken on a teen actor role on the set, you’re going to be expected to know the rules of film set etiquette just like anyone else on set would. This means that you’ll be expected to follow basic standards.

In regards to set safety, communication, and responsibility while you’re working. To help you prepare for your first role in film, we’ve put together this teen’s guide to the film set. Teen actor rules and other important details that you must know are listed for your personal reference.

Be Respectful 

The first rule of film set etiquette is to be respectful. Many teens either have absolutely zero trouble with this rule, or they fail epically. Respect is very important on the set and it is established through a variety of routines and situations.

Things like, arriving on time for your call-time, being prepared with your lines memorized, and being quiet on set all show that you respect the Producer & the Director.

It’s also important not to talk back, to follow the instructions that are provided to you, and to follow appropriate communication hierarchies. That brings us to Rule #2, which is:

Follow Communication Hierarchies

Communication hierarchies are designed to ensure that the Producer and the Director can perform their roles without interruption. While the rest of those involved in the production are able to effectively communicate as necessary on the film set.

Teen actor rules should specify communication hierarchies so that teens understand who they should communicate to about what. 

Basically, communicating with the appropriate department is key. If a teen needs to use the bathroom, is thirsty, wants to leave the set or has any questions they should communicate with the AD. 

Avoid Fidgeting or Fussing

Teens have a strong tendency to want to fidget, especially in between shots. But when the scene has been set, and the takes are being captured. Something as simple as shifting the location of your hair over your shoulder could be a nightmare for continuity.

Avoid fidgeting with your hair or otherwise adjusting your costume or any elements while you’re on set. The more you can just leave things as they are, the easier life will be for the editors.

Keep Your Feelings to Yourself

This one is another area that’s difficult for teens when it comes to film set rules, but it’s important! Keep your feelings to yourself! Don’t love your wardrobe? Oh well! Not happy with your hair or makeup? Again, oh well!

The film set is not a place for the teen to decide what wardrobe they want or how they want their hair or makeup. 

While there’s plenty of room for a teen to make these decisions in their everyday lives? The film set is not the place. A team has already spent time ahead of the production. To ensure that wardrobe is prepared, makeup is set, and hair will be exactly how they want it for the production.

And how the producer would want it. Even if you’re a teen that is not happy with the wardrobe that has been chosen for you, or the hair and makeup outcomes. You need to keep it to yourself because these things have already been pre planned for the production. 

The Takeaway

As you can see, when it comes to being a teen that’s going to act in a film there’s a lot to prepare for when you arrive on the film set.

Teen actor rules essentially specify that you should be respectful, ready for anything, and prepared for your role while you allow the crew to handle the fine details. 

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