Top 5 New Hampshire film schools for filmmakers to consider

Top 5 New Hampshire film schools for filmmakers to consider

New Hampshire has a happening video production industry, as well as plenty of aspiring filmmakers working towards a chance to make it big in the field of film and television production. If you’re looking for large or small New Hampshire film schools, keep reading to see if you find the right option for you.

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    This is a question that is almost certain to come to mind if you’ve been approached by a producer that is interested in adapting your book to film. So what do you charge? What is your literary work worth to you?

    Film Studies at Keene State College can aptly prepare you for a future in the industry. A top New Hampshire film school, the major in Film at Keene State College is designed to help you learn the ins and outs of this field, from history, context, and theory, to aesthetics, technical aspects, and more.

    Whether you earn a bachelor of arts in film production or critical studies, the faculty at the college offer expertise, after years of work in the industry. 

    Phone: 603-358-2276


    229 Main Street

    Keene, NH 03435

    The Department of Film and Studies has a vibrant environment centered around all things film. With options for undergraduate programs, students can choose the courses best suited for their educational goals at this time.

    Whichever option you pick, you can be sure that Dartmouth College can help prepare you for a future in the field of film in New Hampshire. 

    Phone: 603-646-1110


    Darmouth College

    Hanover, NH 03755

    Get a major in Communication at Franklin Pierce University, if your goal is to work in video editing, radio, or television. With both majors and minors offered here, students have the opportunity to work towards the option that suits them best.

    Many students appreciate the hands-on experience they get through the immersive classes taught at Franklin Pierce University. 

    Phone: 800-437-0048


    40 University Drive

    Rindge, NH 03461

    UNH offers a B.A. in Cinema and Media Arts. Designed to help students develop skills to be used in production for television, film, or radio, and with courses built around important aspects like audio and video production, screenwriting, film history, and more, students are able to build on the foundation offered at UNH for their future career.

    Additionally, the hands-on programs help aspiring filmmakers easily transition into internships at local media outlets. 

    Phone: 603-641-4130


    88 Commercial Street RM 481

    Manchester, NH 03101

    Whether students are looking to work in digital media, social media, or film, the B.S. in Digital Media can help them develop skills they’ll use in their desired career.

    From honing technical ability to enhancing and building upon their creative talent, students will have the opportunity to build a foundation for their future career in the industry at Granite State College.

    As one of the top New Hampshire film schools, you can trust the faculty are experienced with the real life experience to share with you. 

    Phone: 800-735-2964


    25 Hall Street

    Concord, NH 03301

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