title what is aerial cinematography

What is Aerial Cinematography?

Aerial cinematography used to be something that only those with a ton of money to invest in an airline flyover would even consider. While aerial cinematography can literally raise the bar when it comes to improving your video content production, many are still unfamiliar with this media form. So what is aerial cinematography anyway?

video drone prepping for aerial cinematography

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Aerial cinematographers once flew in planes or helicopters to capture footage from above the ground. However, the addition of drones has changed the landscape of aerial cinematography and there are now more aerial cinematographer than ever before.

Aerial cinematography involves taking pictures or filming footage from an aircraft or other flying objects. Various methods of capture aerial footage include:

  • Airplanes
  • Helicopters
  • Hot air balloons
  • Drones

Why is Aerial Cinematography a Good Investment?

Aerial cinematography literally raises the bar. No other form of video footage can capture the set quite like an aerial view can. In some cases, aerial cinematography is the only real way to capture the shot and tell the story. In fact, aerial cinematography is a great investment.

Brands use aerial cinematography because:

  • It produces a completely different viewpoint and allows for differentiation between brands.
  • It offers an entirely new perspective and allows a story to be told from a completely unique vantage point.
  • It can be richer and more engaging than a ground-based film.
  • It allows large environments such as college campuses, stadiums or structures to be captured with ease.
  • It allows rapid motion of a car or boat to be captured quickly and easily.

How Does Aerial Cinematography Work?

video drone

Much like the process of filming on the ground, aerial cinematography requires a lot of planning and preparation in pre-production. Aerial shots are defined long before the shoot takes place. As pre-production progresses, a decision is made as to how the aerial shots will be captured. The process goes something like this:

  • A decision is made as to whether a drone, helicopter, airplane or some other aerial platform will be used to capture the desired footage.
  • Research is performed to determine the location of the shoot.
  • Red tape is cleared, any FAA or other permitting needs are taken care of and exemptions from local agencies are acquired if needed.
  • Permissions from nearby property owners and any other involved third-parties are obtained.
  • A flight plan is created and alternate landing zones as well as any emergency procedures are defined for crew and non-crew safety.

The use of aerial cinematography in an otherwise basic video production project can make the project more captivating and interesting to the audience. However, not just any production company can pull of an aerial cinema production.

If you’re considering aerial cinematography for your next video project, call Team Beverly Boy at 888-462-7808. We’re happy to assist you and have the crew and experience necessary to produce aerial cinema productions that will engage and inspire your audience. 

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