Video Production Jobs in Tampa

Tampa Teleprompter Services

Hunting for Tampa Teleprompter Services? If you've seen a celebrity or political figure deliver a message and made it look easy, they probably used Teleprompters to assist. Delivery is extremely important, so it stands to reason that it is also important that your prompter operator has technical and professional experience using the equipment in order to do the hard work for you. This is why Beverly Boy Productions in Tampa offers top-notch operators for your broadcast. Give us a call when you need someone to help with your upcoming event. We provide services to Plant city, Bradenton, and Sarasota. Beverly Boy's Tampa Prompter Services are a fit for any type of production and our Tampa Teleprompter Services have helped CEOs, celebrities, athletes, and more. We provide Teleprompting to all types of events, such as training videos, corporate CEOs, live events, and television news broadcasts. We can make it happen, no matter what you need! Additionally, our Florida Teleprompting Services are sure work properly the first time, every time, meaning when you're waiting to hear "Camera speed, roll prompter!", you can rest easy knowing that your equipment is ready to go when you are.

Tampa Teleprompter Operators

Tampa Teleprompter operators ensure that your production goes off without issue, and unlike many production formats, Teleprompters convey information easily and more concisely, helping with delivery. With broadcasts or public speaking, delivery is important because it conveys the intent of your message and catches your audience’s attention. Tampa Prompter operators help make this process easy. Choosing an expert is critical for your production. Prompters offer a lot, and our experience with interrotron setups, equipment mounts, and robotic systems is a great benefit your production, no matter the type. We have experience with all manner of equipment, guaranteeing you get the best setup for your production. This customized experience is standard when you choose Beverly Boy’s teleprompter operators, who are ready to make things simple for you, no matter what side of the camera you may be on! When you choose to work with us for your Tampa Teleprompting needs, you get this customization, technical support, decades of experience, and top-rated gear all at your fingertips!

Tampa Teleprompter Rental

When you require Renting Teleprompters in Tampa, the process may seem overwhelming, but it's fairly simple, in reality. Selecting a skilled, competent operator will ensure that no matter what event you are working on is done correctly. If something happens during filming, you want someone there that can keep the ball rolling and not lose production time. Beverly Boy’s Tampa Teleprompter Rental provides you with technicians who are that good, and who have backup plans and Advanced Equipment to make sure your production is done the way you want! If you are in the market for a 19" teleprompter rental, presidential speech prompter, wireless steadiCam prompter, or ipad teleprompter, we've got it all! No matter if you need multiple prompter technicians to assist with a corporate event or equipment that’s suited for all sizes of needs, even your own laptop, we have it!

Teleprompter Hire Near Me

For more than a decade, Beverly Boy has supplied customers with Tampa Teleprompter Production Services. We know your message has to be delivered perfectly, and that is why our crews are dedicated to your success. When you search “Teleprompter hire near me” online, you will receive many results that may be hard for you to choose from. Tampa, Florida is a great place to rent a prompter. With sunny beach weather all year round and locations like the many wonderful beaches and the Tampa Aquarium, Tampa has a lot to offer!


Teleprompter Production Services


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    Camera Gear

    Filming in 1080P, 4k- 6K and 8K NTSC and PAL

    • Canon EOS 5D Mark III
    • Blackmagic 4K
    • Sony FX9
    • Sony FS7 4K XDCAM
    • Panasonic VariCam LT
    • Sony Alpha 7S (A7S)
    • ARRI Amira & Alexa Mini
    Camera Crews

    Professional Camera Crews

    • Restaurant/Food Service
    • Law Firm/Legal
    • Television Production
    • Reality Show Production
    • Medical/Healthcare
    • TV Commercial Production
    • Promotional Video Production
    • Corporate Video Production
    • Testimonials/Interviews
    Projects We Produce
    • Industrial Videos
    • Video Marketing
    • Live Stream/Webcasting
    • Conference/Trade Show
    • Animation/Explainer Videos
    • School/University/Education
    • Business Video Production

    Our Video Production Work

    Our Tampa customers tend to go for interrotron rental, but we also provide other services, such as EyeDirect rental and even presidential teleprompter rental. If you’re ready to get the ball rolling with our Tampa Teleprompter Services, give us a call! We look forward to hearing from you!



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