How Much Do Facebook Video Ads Cost?

How Much Do Facebook Video Ads Cost? Facebook video ads are commonly placed before, during, or after video content that shows online. Depending on the individual ad, the video could be anywhere from 5 to 15 seconds in total length. Facebook does allow advertising videos to be as long as 31 seconds in total length, […]

8 Benefits of Video Marketing for Small Businesses

8 Benefits of Video Marketing for Small Businesses Small businesses benefit greatly from video marketing. Especially when the content is created with strong goals and objectives that are relative to the success of the brand. Check out these 8 benefits of video marketing for small businesses and when you’re ready to get started with video […]

9 Tips for Enticing Sales Videos that Drive Conversions

9 Tips for Enticing Sales Videos that Drive Conversions An exciting sales video is worth thousands of words! Audiences are faced with thousands of videos and tons of content online. How can you ensure that the videos you create are enticing and actually drive your viewers to take action? In a world where audiences are […]

Call to Action Tips for Strong Video Endings

Call to Action Tips for Strong Video Endings It’s very common for businesses to put a lot of time, effort and hard work into the main content of a video and then to rush the end and pay little attention to the finesse of the call to action. However, if you want your video content […]

How to Attract More Customers To Your Business with Video

How to Attract More Customers To Your Business with Video Several options exist to attract customers to your business. In fact, drawing customers in is a primary objective for most initial marketing campaigns for both large and small businesses. We’re showing you how to attract more customers to your business with video to make the […]

How to Distribute Video Content: A Guide for the Newbie Marketer

How to Distribute Video Content: A Guide for the Newbie Marketer When it comes to video distribution, various options are available to make your job a success, the important thing is knowing where to distribute your content based on the goals you intend to achieve. In fact, knowing the best places to use video is […]

Are Linkedin Native Videos Really Necessary?

Are LinkedIn Native Videos Really Necessary? When it comes to marketing, new elements can be super beneficial or they could be super worthless, many fall somewhere in between. With LinkedIn native videos, a mixed review comes to mind as there are instances in which they are powerful, and those in which they are not so […]

6 Ways You’re Failing at Facebook Video (And how to Fix it!)

6 Ways You’re Failing at Facebook Video (And how to Fix it!) Marketers use Facebook video for all sorts of things these days. Unfortunately, for all the Facebook marketing that takes place, much is worthy of nothing more than an “F” grade. Marketing professionals use videos on Facebook all the time, and fail. In fact, […]

Tips for Successful Social Media Marketing in the Film Industry

Tips for Successful Social Media Marketing in the Film Industry Did you know that you can reach millions of people through social media? In fact, social media views make up roughly half of all internet traffic. Therefore, the best possible place for you to spend time marketing your film is through various social networks such […]

4 Methods of Interactive Video Advertising

4 Methods of Interactive Video Advertising Video is one of the greatest ways to capture a viewer’s attention and generate trust in your brand. In fact, many businesses are using interactive video advertising to capture the interest of a wider audience and to help customers feel closely connected to them as a brand. We’re showing […]