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9 Tips for Enticing Sales Videos that Drive Conversions

An exciting sales video is worth thousands of words! Audiences are faced with thousands of videos and tons of content online. How can you ensure that the videos you create are enticing and actually drive your viewers to take action? In a world where audiences are bombarded with content on a daily basis, these 9 tips for enticing sales videos that drive conversions will help you ensure that your videos are making the strongest impact on your bottom line. 

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Educate with Video

If you can educate your customers in some way and prove that you are the expert on the subject relative to your product or service, do it with video! This builds trust and respect for your brand. Educational videos have been credited with helping consumers make sales decisions that they otherwise would not have made.

Beverly Boy Crew live streaming

Use Music to Your Advantage

A catchy tune in a commercial or marketing video will stick with your audience. Add a touch of music to your sales videos to enhance the consumer experience and keep it interesting. Just as jingles were once the biggest hit for commercials, music still has the ability to connect emotionally with the consumer and make a positive and lasting impression.

Get Personal

Sales is 90% listening and 10% selling. If you’re not listening to your consumer, you won’t sell much! WHY must we listen so much? Because in order to get personal and connect with your audience you need to listen to what they have to say, what they want, what their struggles are and what their needs are. Listen to your viewers and then formulate video content that speaks personally to them. Solve their problems with your product or service and show them that you listened!

Teach Consumers Visually

Is your product or service difficult to understand? Do you provide a solution to a complex problem? Use video to visually explain a complex problem and its solution or to show how your product or service works. Many people learn visually and with a hands-on approach versus by reading. Use that to your advantage to entice viewers to choose your product or service for their needs.

Beverly Boy filming talent

Interview Experts

If you’re not an expert on a particular subject that relates to your product or service, consider interviewing an expert in the industry to build a stronger sense of understanding and value for your brand. Viewers will appreciate the answers that you can provide with the interview and the knowledge that comes from it which will entice them to place more trust in your brand.

filming customer interviews

Be a Thought Leader

Does your product or service revolutionize a specific niche industry? Become a thought leader and prove your knowledge to your consumers with educational videos that double up as sales videos too. This way, viewers that are not necessarily looking for your product or service will find you because you offer educational information about a related idea in the industry. The more you prove yourself as a thought leader and expert the stronger your sales conversions will be.

Use Humor

Humor captivates viewers and makes them feel excited to be a part of what you have to say. Record your video with a humorous side to show your viewers that working with you or purchasing a product from you will be fun in some way.

funny video meme

Provide a Video Library to Entice Sales

As you build your video content up, consider an entire video library that is organized by niche or topic to help consumers find valuable information that compliments your product or service offering. This way viewers will come to you for information anytime they need it and they will be more likely to share the valuable content with others which will increase your reach and your conversions.

corporate videographer outside with camera

Use Multiple Takes

It may take additional time and resources to create a sales video that includes several different takes but the end result will be more exciting than a single shot that has little “wow” factor. Remember, you want to keep your viewer around for the duration of the video so that they can see (and act upon) you call-to-action. Provide fascinating video content that will keep the viewer interested.

film crew getting ready for first take