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How Much Do Facebook Video Ads Cost?

Facebook video ads are commonly placed before, during, or after video content that shows online. Depending on the individual ad, the video could be anywhere from 5 to 15 seconds in total length.

Facebook does allow advertising videos to be as long as 31 seconds in total length, but most consumers will only stick around for about 15 seconds of advertising, so as a rule of thumb, it’s generally a good idea to stick close to that number. But how much do Facebook video ads cost? This is a question that arises frequently when considering Facebook marketing for a business.

Video production rates vary between $1,000 and $10,000 per finished minute for most types of video. Since you’re only looking for about 30 seconds of video for a Facebook video ad, you can cut this figure in half or estimate that a Facebook video ad will cost between $500 and $5,000 to produce.

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What Drives the Cost of Facebook Video Ads?

Several factors influence the cost of your video ad. The time that is spent producing the ad will directly affect the total cost of production so if you’re seeking to reduce cost, seek first to reduce total production time. You can do this by limiting your production locations to 1 or 2, and by reducing the complexity of the video. Animations are the most complex to produce, so if you’re really trying to cut corners, do NOT use animations!

Additional factors that influence the costs of the Facebook video advertisement include:

  • Special effects. Animated graphics. Text overlays. These types of things all add time to the production process.
  • Talent involved. The use of a talented narrator or other professionals to deliver parts of the video will add to the costs. Think closely before hiring professional talent.
  • Tools involved. The more equipment you need or the more advanced the equipment is, the more the production will cost. Do you really need that Boom? Is that crane shot really the best way to go? Could you use a jib instead? Sophisticated tools may add value to the production, but they also add costs.
  • Sills involved. The skillset of the individuals working on your production will influence costs. An amateur videographer will certainly produce your Facebook video advertisement for less than an expert Director and camera crew with 20 years of experience.

Professional Skills

BBP camera crew 1-10

Facebook video ads require input from several professionals. You’ll need a scriptwriter, a cameraman, and a Director.

Additionally, consider the following professional crews and their potential hourly wages involved:

  • Film Director – >$250 per hour
  • Script Writer – >$150 per hour
  • Cameraman – >$400 per hour
  • Editor – >$175 per hour
  • Actors – >$500 per hour
  • Equipment – up to 100s per hour
  • Studio Shooting – up to $400 per hour
  • Narrator – >$400 per hour
  • Audio Files – up to $1000
  • Video Rendering – up to $75 per hour
  • B-Roll – expect to pay a percentage between 10 and 50% of your total cost
  • Miscellaneous Fees – can cost very little up to 1000s extra

Facebook video ads are short, but they must not be boring! You’ve literally got 30 seconds or less to make a HUGE first impression on your audience. Anything less than spectacular has the potential to be a complete bust!

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Need more details about Facebook video ads and the costs involved in the production? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call today!

Below is an example of a social media advertisement produced by Team Beverly Boy: