Importance of Using Restaurant Customer Service Training Videos

Running a restaurant is no easy task. There’s lots of different day-to-day tasks, and your employees really need to have soft skills which can be challenging to train. On top of everything else, restaurant customer service training is also essential. With an average turnover rate of about 150%, training new employees can be incredibly costly, especially if in-person training is provided to each newly hired team member. However, restaurant customer service training videos can reduce overall training costs while providing several other serious benefits to both the restaurant employees and to the restaurant owner.

A well-trained staff is at the heart of a successful restaurant business, but customer service training requires ongoing focus to ensure all employees are on the same page. Training sessions that take place during orientation are likely to be forgotten shortly after, particularly because newly hired employees are under so much pressure at that time to learn so many different things in addition to proper customers service. To say the least, the entire situation is likely to be overwhelming.

The use of video as a key part of your restaurant customer service training can cut back on the amount of information that your newly hired employees forget, while providing them with a stronger foundation upon which they can continue to learn, grow, and become better customer service professionals. If you’re not using video as part of your overall restaurant customer service training routine, you could be missing out on several very important benefits.

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Videos Provide Immersive Training for Customer Service Excellence

Restaurant customer service training videos allow you to create immersive training that can help to improve the customer service excellence at your establishment. Customer service training requires your employees to fully understand the interactions that occur between themselves and the customers that enter your restaurant. With video, employees are immersed into an environment that closely resembles the restaurant and the unique scenarios or situations that they’re most likely to face when working in the restaurant.

The use of video to help employees see how they should interact with customers, how they can engage, and what steps they can take to keep customer satisfaction up can have incredible benefits. Video provides employees with clear, easy to follow, interactive scenarios that they’ll recall and learn from. 

Interactive Video Improves Employee Communication Skills

Restaurant customer service training videos can take many shapes and forms providing effective training for employees on a wide range of topics. Interactive video is great for providing communication skills training that will help your employees engage with customers with ease. Videos help employees understand how body language impacts communication, how to adjust or adapt tone of voice for better communication, and how to use a mix of both verbal and non-verbal cues to ensure the most effective message is delivered to the customer to ensure their satisfaction. A textbook can’t do that!

With interactive videos, restaurant employees can engage in immersive, lifelike scenarios that allow them to choose their communication steps with customers and see the outcomes. A variety of interactive elements can be integrated in to provide a fully immersive learning experience that employees will recall long after the training is complete.

Video is Available On-Demand with Flexible Access Options

Restaurant customer service training videos are easy to access, on-demand. Employees love training videos over manuals, textbooks, or in-person training because video is more engaging and immersive, but they also love the flexibility of video. With video, training can take place from virtually anywhere, at anytime. An employee can train from their smartphone in small increments.

Since video training is generally in the form of bite sized, micro learning segments that are 6 minutes or less, employees can train in short bursts. They can watch a few training videos at a time, or just one if that’s all they have time for. Few will “binge” training videos, which is a good thing because watching just a few training videos at a time can prevent overwhelming the learner with information in a way that will risk them forgetting it all shortly after.

Video Improves Retention Long Term

Restaurant customer service training videos can be used to provide skills training that is vital to ensuring that your employees can provide your customers with the best restaurant experience.  In fact, studies have proven that when employees engage with video, they’re more likely to retain the information that they learn long-term. Therefore, restaurant customer service training videos provide employees with the essential skills training that they need in an engaging manner that is most likely for them to remember months after the training is provided – no other type of training is as powerful, long-lasting, or easy to retain as video training is.

If you’re a restaurant owner that’s interested in using restaurant customer service training videos to help your employees provide your customers with the best possible experience, Beverly Boy Productions can help! With decades of experience in video production, we’ll help you produce top quality restaurant customer service training videos that you can use to create a strong foundation for your employees to provide your customers with the best experience possible!