Benefits of Using Fast Food Training Videos for Employee Training

When training new fast food restaurant employees, it’s important to get the most out of the resources that you have and to provide the best possible training you can offer.  The fast food industry suffers some of the highest overall turnover rates of any industry, and at a cost of approximately $2,000 per employee hire, training and turnover expenses can quickly add up. The use of fast food training videos to provide employee training has several key benefits including improved consistency, greater flexibility, and reduced overall costs.

Unlike the use of a “training manual” or binder that sits collecting dust in the employee break room, training videos make learning the skills required to run a fast food restaurant fun, engaging, and flexible enough for any new employee to get involved. In fact, fast food training videos are ideal because:

  • New employees will have the ability to start training as soon as they’re hired.
  • New hires can watch the training from anywhere, at anytime.
  • Managers can monitor training video views by employee to track who has completed essential training and who hasn’t.
  • Progress can be easily measured providing management with an easy to understand view of who’s learning what.

Certainly the benefits of using fast food training videos to provide employee training are numerous. As a fast food restaurant manager, if you’re looking for a new, improved means of providing employee training that your team will remember, engage with, and benefit from – video is key!

Why Video is an Effective Training Tool

Fast food restaurant owners turn to fast food training videos to provide employee training for a variety of reasons. Although video can never fully take the place of employee-to-employee training in a fast food restaurant, it can be used efficiently and effectively to provide training that will build employee morale, boost confidence, and improve customer service across the restaurant. Video is an incredible effective training tool for several reasons.

In fact, fast food training videos are commonly used to provide employee training because:

  • Video increases learner retention. Studies have found that when teaching methods increase sensory stimuli, they result in stronger retention of information.
  • Video is consistent. A single training video can be used to provide consistent training to employees across multiple restaurant locations.
  • Video can be used to reinforce training. A single restaurant training video can be used to reinforce training or to provide a refresher to help employees that might forget or otherwise need additional instruction.
  • Video training makes the greatest overall use of resources. A single video can be used to train employees over and over and over again.

In addition to these great advantages of using video in training, fast food training videos are ideal because management can easily monitor training among employees. Simple features built into video training systems allow management to easily see when an employee has trained, what they learned, and how they interacted. New employees can learn at their own pace, and existing employees can retrain as needed. 

With fast food training videos, restaurants can integrate managed video training into day-to-day employee interactions to ensure that all employees are receiving the training necessary to perform their jobs with absolute integrity and effectiveness. No other form of training can provide such a powerful benefit for employees and for management across the fast food industry. 

Benefits of Using Fast Food Training Videos

If you’re trying to justify the cost of video training over that printed manual that’s collecting dust in your breakroom, you’re going to have to accept that producing fast food training videos will cost more than it cost to print that manual, but there are serious benefits that come from the decision to use videos to train your restaurant staff. Producing training videos for your fast food restaurant may not be as costly as you might think, and the benefits are going to far outweigh the cost. 

With video, you can demonstrate to your staff exactly how you want them to engage with customers, and provide them with visual representation of what is expected of them when they perform their jobs. The use of real-life, scenarios based fast food training videos can be incredibly powerful in training your staff when compared to a written training manual. 

Fast food training videos have the following benefits for your employee training program:

  • They’re ideal for providing real world, scenarios-based training.
  • They’re easy to monitor and consistent.
  • They’re available anywhere at any time.
  • They can be used to teach employees with a variety of learning needs.

Restaurant managers can use fast food training videos to point out drive-thru efficiencies, to show customer experiences, and to teach and train on a variety of topics relative to fast food preparation, safety, and operations. To learn more about producing fast food training videos to provide employee training for your needs, give Beverly Boy Productions a call! We’ve got decades of experience in film production and look forward to producing top quality fast food training videos that you can use to teach and train your employees with ease!