3 Ways to Improve Educational Videos for Students

The use of educational videos to deliver complex student course concepts in a fraction of the time and in a manner that is more memorable and desirable has won the focus of many schools on and offline. The best educational video producers understand the need to go the extra mile when it comes to producing top-quality educational videos that focus on delivering informative and interactive content for students. However, most educational content can be improved to deliver greater visual aid and stronger supporting graphics for reiteration and concept digestion.

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Consider these 3 elements to improve educational videos for students.

Visual Aids

The use of visual aids is a recognized benefit of educational videos but many producers miss the mark when it comes to the use of powerful visuals that grasp the viewers’ attention. Visual aids help the viewer to remember what they are learning, especially when the visual aid is supported by text graphics and audio that further supports the theme.

For example, great educational videos highlight important points by offering supplemental text, a visual component and text graphics such as a checklist or bullet point list on the side. The sidebar continues through the topic to deliver additional details visually as the topic is covered.

Educational videos for students that take great care to ensure a healthy mix of visual aids, storytelling content, and audio to deliver a complex topic help students to succeed.

B-Roll Shots

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Educational videos often transition from subject to subject or theme to theme several times throughout the content. Instead of showing the same frame without any substance, consider the use of B-Roll Shots to break up the frozen frame in the scene.

Great educational videos that include plenty of relevant b-roll footage allow for ample opportunity to adjust screens and give the students a chance to anticipate what comes next.

B-roll footage doesn’t have to be entirely on topic. Shots that focus on various closely related elements that help students to remain engaged are best.

Impress in 30 Seconds or Less

Finally, educational videos for students must capture the student’s attention in the first 30 seconds or less of the video. Statistically, educational videos are about 3 to 12 minutes long. Videos over 6 minutes quickly see a lower watch rate as viewers quickly lose interest and leave.

With just 30 seconds to show the student why they should continue watching and to help him or her to choose to stick around to the end of the educational content, a top-down approach is vital.

Educational video content is improved greatly when a statement is provided to encourage them to stick around and the most important details of the content are delivered first so that the viewer knows exactly what he or he will learn from the video.

Beverly Boy Productions specializes in producing top-quality educational videos for students. Ready to create educational training content for your business? Give us a call! We can’t wait to help you.

Here’s an Example of an Educational Training Video Produced by Beverly Boy Productions: