Benefits of Apartment Maintenance Training Videos that Apply to Tenants

As an apartment complex owner, maintenance takes up a large percentage of potential profits. The more that can be done to minimize maintenance costs, the higher potential profits will be. That’s why many apartment owners are turning to apartment maintenance training videos to help them out. While it is largely understood that apartment maintenance training videos are ideal for teaching maintenance staff how to upkeep an apartment complex, what about the impacts that these videos can have on tenants?

Tenants are a huge contributor to apartment maintenance issues and the need for improved apartment maintenance. Smart apartment owners are turning to apartment maintenance training videos to help them bring their tenants up to speed on maintenance rules, processes, and techniques that they can use to help out around the complex, and the benefits are incredible!

Apartment Maintenance Training Videos for Tenants

Before we dive into the benefits of apartment maintenance training videos that are used to teach and train tenants on proper maintenance and care of their apartment, let’s consider some of the topics that can be covered in these videos. As an apartment complex owner, you want to know that your tenants have the knowledge necessary for a comfortable residence within the property. This starts with keeping a clean, tidy, and well-maintained home. 

Consider the following apartment maintenance training videos for your tenants:

  • How to change a lightbulb.
  • How to change an air conditioner filter (and when).
  • How to change a water filter in the refrigerator.
  • How to unclog a toilet.
  • When to call for professional apartment maintenance.

Of course, the types of maintenance that you prefer your own tenants to do may vary from the list above which is just a short list of ideas that could be used as a starter list of topics for your apartment maintenance training videos.

Benefits of Teaching Tenants How to Maintain their Apartment

3 person interview setup placement

While it may not be commonplace to provide training to tenants, it really should be! Apartment managers that want properly maintained apartment complexes should be considering the value in teaching and training tenants as they’re the ones that spend the most time at the complex and quite honestly, they are the most likely to see the need for maintenance as it may arise.

The use of video to train tenants on proper care and maintenance of their apartment complex is beneficial not just to the tenant but to the property owner, too. Simple maintenance such as changing lightbulbs or air conditioner filters can keep an apartment maintenance manager busy unnecessarily when it’s something that tenants can just as easily do and be responsible for as can other simple maintenance tasks. 

By providing tenants with a video library that features training to help them understand what to do in regards to maintaining their unit and how they can handle simple maintenance tasks will greatly reduce complex related maintenance fees while freeing up time for maintenance managers to tackle bigger maintenance projects.

Additional benefits that come along with the use of apartment maintenance training videos for tenants include:

  • Overall more satisfied tenants.
  • Maintenance savings.
  • Reduced time constraints on maintenance team.
  • Improved tenant understanding of maintenance needs.
  • Improved apartment complex cleanliness and overall maintenance.

There’s a lot of work that goes into keeping up an entire apartment complex, and maintenance inside apartment units might be more likely to fall behind when tenants move in. Providing tenants with access to training and education about the maintenance needs involved in keeping their units up can improve apartment upkeep, keeping maintenance on track inside apartment units just like it is outside the units while lowering maintenance costs and reducing the overall resources required at the maintenance level.

How to Produce Apartment Maintenance Training Videos 

So, how are training videos that you can use to train your tenants made? That’s a key question that we frequently get at Beverly Boy Productions and for good cause. As professional filmmakers with more than two decades of experience, we specialize in a wide variety of filmmaking techniques and types including training video production for maintenance needs. Producing apartment maintenance training videos typically requires the support of a professional film crew, like Team Beverly Boy.

The process involves:

  • Pre-production planning and preparation for video production.
  • Production either at your apartment complex or another location of choice.
  • Post-production editing to produce the final cut.

This three step process of producing apartment maintenance training videos is a specialty of Beverly Boy Productions. We’ll work with you to outline the training needs, scripts, and unique details of each video in order to come up with a series of training videos that can be used to teach or train your maintenance crew as well as your tenants. 

To learn more about apartment maintenance training videos, or to book an appointment to begin production of your training video series, give Beverly Boy Productions a call. We look forward to working with you on your apartment maintenance training videos.