5 Reasons to Invest in Video Production for Your Manufacturing Business

The use of video content for manufacturing businesses ranges from being ideal for marketing initiatives on social media and helping to boost organic rankings to providing real, life-saving safety training that could limit liability for the business while keeping employees and staff safe.

In fact, there are many reasons to invest in video production for your manufacturing business. Not only is video an increasingly popular means of engaging visitors and employees, but it’s also absolutely vital to helping new hires feel comfortable in their jobs. Check out these reasons, and more, to invest in video production for your manufacturing business.

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 1. Engage Customers with a Factory Tour

The use of engaging video content to help customers feel connected to your brand is something that many manufacturing businesses may overlook — but they shouldn’t!

The use of video to share behind-the-scenes factory tours can result in more closed sales and greater customer following for your brand. If you’re not already using this form of video, consider investing in video production for your manufacturing business to close the deal!

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2. Buyers Watch Videos

If you’re not convinced that you should be representing your manufacturing business with video, consider the fact that many major industrial buyers are watching video content.

For example:

65% of executives say they visit a company website following a video.

39% of executives mention that they call a vendor following a video.

68% of people mention that they prefer learning through video versus other media formats.

Investing in video production for your manufacturing business can help you to reach more of the buyers interested in spending money with your business.

3. Video IS your Elevator Pitch

Manufacturing businesses are often under-understood or misrepresented. Investing in video production for your manufacturing business allows you to deliver your elevator pitch to consumers in social media, emails, or from your website.

Your company website represents the landing zone for visitors to learn about the products or services provided by your manufacturing business. Professional video production can help you bring value to your audience.

corporate message video marketing

4. Video Improves SEO

Want to rank higher in Google? Add video to your top landing pages and website pages that add value to the consumer. Video improves SEO rankings and helps to generate higher traffic to your manufacturing business website.

Consider videos that showcase how your manufacturing business operates, what happens behind the scenes, and how consumers can benefit from the manufacturing taking place in your production lines.

5. People Retain 90% of What they Watch

If you’re still not convinced that investing in video production for your manufacturing business is a must, consider the fact that people retain 90% of what they watch on video versus just 20-30% of what they read.

If you’re operating a manufacturing business, producing safety training videos for your team can not only promote safety but also increase the total overall amount of understanding that your diverse community of employees comes to understand. No other form of content can be as easily digested — even complex topics are better understood with video!
