The State of Video Marketing 2025

The State of Video Marketing in 2025

With enterprise level firms admitting that video use cases are multiplying as video now enables businesses of all sizes to reach wider audiences, increase customer engagement, recruit, train and retain employees, and sell more products and services it’s hard not to address the state of video marketing in 2025. We can quickly see that companies, large and small, family owned and industry traded, are shifting focus toward video with plans to invest more into the tools, resources & individual products required to bring video production into every facet of their digital advertising campaigns as well as their day-to-day operations. Where 2022 was certainly a year for many brands to introduce video marketing into their campaigns, 2025 is the year businesses will have to step it up a notch, as competition continues to rise in the industry and brands that don’t work hard to engage their core audiences will fall behind.

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Live Video Grows 15-Fold

If you’re having trouble figuring out what you should be doing or when in regards to video marketing, perhaps you should start with live video? The industry is not only expected to grow 15-fold in 2025, but 93% of brands that are using video marketing find that live video is integral to their campaigns and strategy.  Consumers are actually more likely to share live videos, and they are looking for brands to interact with them on this level. 

If you’re wondering how you can use live video in your marketing campaigns in 2025, consider any of the following:

  • Host a live event.
  • Share live interviews with your top executives.
  • Host live Q&A sessions.
  • Go live to show behind-the-scenes.
  • Provide a product or service demonstration live.

A Multimodal Approach to Digital Content is Taken

Brands are expected to take a multimodal approach to digital content in 2025 to increase the lifespan of their video content. Topics will be covered in multiple different ways in order to more appropriately suit their audiences. Instead of producing a single video on a topic, brands are expected to produce multiple multiple different styles and types of videos on a given topic. For instance, a brand might product a webinar video, social media marketing videos, and a case study review video on a single topic which can then be incorporated into the website, shared across various social platforms, and introduced into email campaigns in this multimodal approach to video marketing in 2025.

Video Shorts Continue to Account for Much of the Pie

Are you constantly trying to come up with a long-winded script that you can use to produce a video on your favorite topic? Don’t! Statistics show that 2025 is going to continue to be the year for video shorts. User attention spans are short, about 8 seconds. That’s why we’re seeing the increased popularity of platforms like TikTok, YouTube Shorts, and the use of short videos across the internet to generate connections and interactions. You don’t need to produce a twenty minute demonstration when twenty seconds can do the trick!

Real Life Content Connections Over Sales

In the most realistic and humanized state of video marketing in 2025, brands are continuing to learn the importance of being human and in sharing personal connections with their audiences. The days of cheesy sales ads actually working to produce leads and sales, are basically gone. They’re truly a thing of the past – thank goodness! 

Today’s marketers know the importance of telling a story that resonates with the audience and helps them to feel deeply connected with the brand that they’re representing. Users are connecting more with real-life style content that makes them feel like the brands and businesses they follow are in tune with the same missions and visions that resonate so closely with them at home.

This is one of the reasons for vlogs to be so popular. It’s also why influencer marketing is such a big deal. People are connecting on deep levels with the influencers they follow why? Because the influencers open up their world to the audience, sharing their lives personally with the world.

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Content

In a continued push toward the use of increased technology in the video marketing world, we’re seeing augmented reality and virtual reality content continue to represent a driving force behind mainstream video marketing in 2025. Brands that incorporate these features into their campaigns are giving consumers the opportunity to “try before you buy” or to take self-guided tours, to engage in visual diagnostics, and to engage and interact with educational games and activities like never before. 


Although we don’t expect the augmented reality or virtual reality experience to fully replace the personalized experience of retail shopping, healthcare, or interactions with businesses in real-life, this technology is certainly growing and video marketers need to pay close attention to how they can put it to work to benefit audiences that are interested in their brands. 

That’s the state of video marketing 2025 as we see it. What do you expect over the next 12 months in regards to video marketing and advertising?