Quick Tips & Benefits of Outsourcing Video Ad Creation

As a business owner, you’re always on the lookout for ways to streamline and scale. It’s how you grow your business, and it’s what makes your brand more valuable over time. Companies that take the time to find ways that they can scale their business are more likely to succeed in their efforts. Much of this revolves around reaching more customers through the creation of video ads which is why outsourcing video ad creation for your business is such an important concept to consider. 

It all comes down to recognizing where your strong points are, and where it makes sense to bring in a third-party to assist you in taking your business to the next level. When it comes to video production, particularly the creation of video ads, outsourcing can save time, money, and sanity!

Why Should You Outsource Your Ad Creation?

If you’re thinking maybe you don’t need video ads, or that you can get away with just a DIY video ad once in a while, you’re mistaken! With more than 86% of brands using video in their marketing, you’ve definitely got a TON of competition out there and since 54% of consumers want to see more video content from the brands they love, you really can’t afford NOT to have video in your marketing campaigns. 

Why should you outsource your video ad creation? The reality is, if you’re not a professional videographer, and you don’t have professional video editing skills, outsourcing video ad creation can save you countless hours while representing your brand in a professional manner, the way it should be! If these figures aren’t enough for you to consider outsourcing your video ad creation, consider the following statistics:

  • There are 3.1B digital video viewers worldwide. 
  • Video has an online reach of over 90 percent and rising.
  • Advertisers spend $49.8B on online video ads worldwide annually.
  • 47% of businesses are sharing video ads in email campaigns.
  • 54% of businesses are using video ads on landing pages.
  • 73% of businesses are already using livestream video advertising.

If you’re not sure why you should consider outsourcing video ad creation, simply think about these statistics and figures! Are you prepared to stand up to this kind of competition? Do your video production and post-production editing skills match those of a professional film crew? If not, you really should consider outsourcing to save yourself time, money, and the professional image of your brand.


Benefits of Outsourcing Video Ad Creation

Taking the steps towards outsourcing video ad creation rather than producing your ads and other video projects in-house can have a various of positive benefits to your brand. Of course, there’s the fact that hiring a professional video production crew, such as Beverly Boy Productions, will guarantee professional quality video ads for your brand, but there’s also the fact that a professional film crew brings with them professional storytellers and scriptwriters. They’ll tell your brand’s story visually in a way that connects with the desired audience and sticks.

Additional benefits to outsourcing video ad creation for your business include:

  • Less stress on your in-house staff. 
  • More time for your team to focus on your expertise/niche rather than on something that they are not experts at.
  • The creativity of an entire team of professionals working on your ads.
  • Top equipment, software and hardware, without the added expense.
  • No added costs associated with sourcing equipment, studio rentals, or other expenses.
  • Expert producers and creatives working on your project.

Outsourcing video ad creation is a great way to maximize your production of top quality video ads that will drive sales and consumer connections to your business. And since you’ll have a professional crew working on your videos, you can rest assured that it’s safe for you to focus your time on your business instead of on production.

Video Ad Production Outsourcing Tips

Videographer Prepping Camera Gear 93


Now that you know the reasons why you should consider outsourcing video ad creation, and the benefits of video ads and marketing, let’s take a look at what you need to consider before you outsource to a third-party video production crew or a freelance videographer. First, consider the fact that freelance videographers can be tricky – they are not always the most reliable and they don’t always have all of the tools and equipment required to thoroughly pull off top quality production of your video ads. Keep this in mind as you decide on who to hire.

It’s also important that you consider what’s most important to your brand when hiring a professional crew to outsource your video production to. You want to be sure that you outsource your video ad creation to a team that:

  • Specializes in the production of video ads.
  • Promises to deliver top quality videos that reflect your brand’s style, tone, and values.
  • Is realistic with their pricing in accordance with the projects they provide.
  • Has the appropriate equipment include hardware, software, camera equipment, lighting and audio equipment, etc.
  • Has connections to talent and crew that are required to pull off the project. 
  • Mesh well with you and your team.

Carefully consider that last one, you MUST find a video production company that you and your team members mesh well with. This is important because outsourcing video ad creation does not mean that you’re giving up on all the key elements of creativity and the interactions that are required in order for a video to turn out just right. There will certainly be a lot of back and forth communication with your team and the production crew. If you can’t communicate openly and comfortably, things will almost certainly not go well.

Ready to consider outsourcing video ad creation to a professional team that will delivery top quality results for your brand? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call!