How is Segment Shooting and the Theory of Dialectical Montage Similar?
How is Segment Shooting and the Theory of Dialectical Montage Similar? Some of the earliest instances of cinematic experience represent the juxtaposition of images into a montage of sorts to elicit a particular desired emotional connection or outcome. Segment shooting, similarly, represents the juxtaposition of multiple shots or camera movements and scenes together. To create […]
What is Saturation Booking in Film?
Almost certainly anyone that is a fan of the film industry and of seeing new movies hit the box office has encountered what appears to be saturation booking, all be it without realizing thatâs what theyâre seeing. Saturation booking, or the saturation release, occurs frequently in Hollywood and can be incredibly valuable for the film distributor. But […]
What is a Zoopraxinoscope & How Was it Used in Filmmaking?
The zoopraxinoscope is an early animation device that was created by English photographer Eadweard James Muybridge for the purpose of capturing the movement of animals. The term, âZooâ + âPraxiscopeâ directly references the zoo, a common place for humans to visit and learn about animals of varied shapes, sizes, and genres. Zoopraxinoscope is a term […]
Ultimate List of Grants for Female Filmmakers
Women working in film and television have established a unique role in the industry for themselves, but as with other industries, they also face a lot of challenges. Inequality is evident in a variety of funding programs. As well as in the various grants and unique support opportunities that are made available for female creators. […]
What to Include in a Film Production Business Plan
What to Include in a Film Production Business Plan Preparing a film production business plan is like creating a roadmap that outlines the details, scope, and responsibilities of your film production business. Just like you would create a business plan for any other company, creating a film production company will require you to carefully plan […]
Ultimate List of Government Grants for Filmmakers
If youâre at a point where youâre ready to find funding for a project that youâd really like to get off the ground? Youâve got something to certainly be proud of. However, you might quickly find that generating funds for production just isnât as easy as you thought it would be. In fact, thereâs so […]
Whatâs the Importance of Allusions in Film?
Whatâs the Importance of Allusions in Film? Allusions represent either implied or direct references to something that become general discussion or which are delivered through text in a film. You might see a character wearing a t-shirt that alludes to another television show from the past or perhaps youâll see a brief clip in which […]
Who Records Sound Effects for Film?
Who Records Sound Effects for Film? Sound effects are some of the most important elements of any film production. They breathe life into an otherwise dull series of footage and alongside special effects, have the power to bring basic footage to the next level. Sound effects are certainly a major element of cinematography and part […]
Whatâs the Phi Phenomenon Meaning in Film?
Have you ever wondered how it is that they put motion into motion pictures? For instance, do you wonder how it is that filmmakers are able to make a seemingly stationary object that does not move appear to be moving? Phil phenomenon in film is an illusion of movement such that visual perception gives the audiences the […]
What is Contrazoom in Film and What Does Contra-Zoom Mean?
What is Contrazoom in Film and What Does Contra-Zoom Mean? One of the most amazing in-camera effects and the earliest techniques used to create a sense of internal unease, tension or conflict. The Vertigo Effect, also known as the Contrazoom, has been present in filmmaking since 1958. Sometimes referred to as dolly zoom. But also […]