What is Saturation Release? A Film Definition for Beginners

What is Saturation Release_ A Film Definition for Beginners

Whenever a film is prepared for distribution the filmmaker will typically make a plan for how the distribution will take place, what kind of marketing initiatives will be involved and what theaters or locations the film will be released in specifically. This is sometimes referred to as saturation booking or saturation release. Film definition options, […]

What is the Wuxia Film Genre?

Chinese film genre Wuxia is a popular form of fiction. The term “Wuxia” actually means “martial heroes,” and films from this genre certainly deliver to the terminology. You might recall films from this genre which are represented by stories of swordsman’s adventures and martial arts from ancient China.  If you’re not sure what the Wuxia film genre stands […]

Classic Crossover Film: Understanding Crossover Cinema for Beginners

Crossover film represents a complex form of storytelling in which multiple styles of fictional characters, settings or worlds are mashed up to create the context of a single story. Representing an emerging form of cinematic experience in which cultural borders are crossed during the conceptualization and production. What does crossover film mean for audiences that enjoy this […]

What’s the Importance of Allusions in Film?

What’s the Importance of Allusions in Film? Allusions represent either implied or direct references to something that become general discussion or which are delivered through text in a film. You might see a character wearing a t-shirt that alludes to another television show from the past or perhaps you’ll see a brief clip in which […]

Who Records Sound Effects for Film?

Who Records Sound Effects for Film? Sound effects are some of the most important elements of any film production. They breathe life into an otherwise dull series of footage and alongside special effects, have the power to bring basic footage to the next level. Sound effects are certainly a major element of cinematography and part […]

What’s the Phi Phenomenon Meaning in Film?

What’s the Phi Phenomenon Meaning in Film_

Have you ever wondered how it is that they put motion into motion pictures? For instance, do you wonder how it is that filmmakers are able to make a seemingly stationary object that does not move appear to be moving? Phil phenomenon in film is an illusion of movement such that visual perception gives the audiences the […]

What is Contrazoom in Film and What Does Contra-Zoom Mean?

One of the most amazing in-camera effects and the earliest techniques used to create a sense of internal unease, tension or conflict. The Vertigo Effect, also known as the Contrazoom, has been present in filmmaking since 1958. Sometimes referred to as dolly zoom. But also widely recognized as the Contra-zoom or just as the Vertigo […]

What Does Continuous Mean in a Script?

What Does Continuous Mean in a Script? Screenplays are full of nuances that can be difficult to fully understand for a beginner, particularly when it comes to the use of certain terminology such as “continuous” and other industry specific terms. When “continuous” is used in a script it has a powerful ability to guide the […]

What is Voice-Off in Film? A Definition for Beginners

When you see the term “voice-off” in film, or the abbreviation “V.O.” or “O.S.” a number of potential scenarios likely come to mind. By definition, what is voice-off in film?  In this simple voice-off film definition, we’re looking to address exactly what it means to have a voice-off in film and how it can be applied in […]

Examining Denotation and Connotation Difference in Film Media

Examining Denotation and Connotation Difference in Film Media

Films generally have two guiding principles in which the meanings of words or objects are delivered connotatively or denotatively. Whether a film quote or object is described connotatively or denotatively plays a role in the connections that people make to the story and whether it has literal or nonliteral meaning. In examining denotation and connotation […]