Why Are Scenes Deleted From Films?

Why Are Scenes Deleted From Films_

We’ve all experienced the situation before. We’re about to watch a movie on DVD for the first time. We whip the DVD out, pop it into the player and voila! You see “Director’s Cut” or “Play Original.” What? What’s the difference? If you’ve ever watched a movie at home and found “Director’s Cut”. Only to […]

What is Letterboxing in Film?

What is Letterboxing in Film_

Have you ever watched a movie on an old television set and wondered what those black lines are that run horizontally above and below the picture? If you’ve ever experienced a widescreen film on a standard, old-set top style television. Then you’ve most certainly experienced letterboxing. Letterboxing has a technical purpose in film. But before […]

What Was the Frame Rate for Old Silent Film Movies?

Silent films were incredibly popular up until about the 1930s. When the first films with synchronized sound were released. Even today, when silent films are watched, there’s a notion that some believe these films should be enjoyed at “silent speed.” The term, coming from the slowed rate of speed for which these films were originally […]

What Types of Editing Techniques are Found in Continuity Editing?

What Types of Editing Techniques are Found in Continuity Editing?

The role of the film editor is to perform their edits and corrections to the film. In such a way that the audience will never notice. It’s definitely not to say that the editor’s job is unimportant. Because it’s incredibly important! It’s just that, the editor is supposed to incorporate different editing techniques and for […]

How Did Synchronized Sound in Film Begin?

How Did Synchronized Sound in Film Begin_

The development of synchronized sound in film represented a revolution in the motion picture industry. After years of silent era films and cartoons. While we know sound effects to be incredibly diverse. And able to be matched to various situations and activities taking place on the screen. The synchronization of sound wasn’t always possible or […]

How Do You Make an Interior Shot Look Like Night During Day?

How Do You Make an Interior Shot Look Like Night During Day_

Night scenes make up a large portion of the screen-time that we’ve got scheduled for the stories that we wish to produce. But shooting outside at night can be complicated and potentially dangerous. Depending on where you’re at. Learning how to make an interior shot look like night, during the day, represents one of your […]

How Are Sound Effects Synchronized?

How Are Sound Effects Synchronized? The process of aligning film video with the audio effects that you’ve produced can be daunting and downright time consuming. While you might find that you can synchronize sound effects for videos filmed for social media or just for fun rather easily. The precision required for professional films is so […]

How are Visual Vector Lines Used in Film Editing?

How are Visual Vector Lines Used in Film Editing_

The use of visual vectors in film editing represents an important concept in continuity. And the recognition of various visual cues throughout your set that will help your audience connect scenes in your film. Maintaining visual vectors in continuity editing is akin to carrying out a conversation in the same language. You certainly wouldn’t have […]

What Does Allegory Have to Do In Film?

What Does Allegory Have to Do In Film? The term allegory is commonly used in literature. As it’s a technique that comes up in storytelling when attempting to communicate a symbolic element. You’ve probably heard the term allegory in literature. But what does allegory have to do in film? If you’re new to screenwriting and […]

What is Kinesis in Film?

What is Kinesis in Film_

Learning all the different terminology that is used in the film industry can be one of the biggest challenges for an aspiring filmmaker to undertake. There are so many different ways to say seemingly simple things. For example, why can’t they just say “we’re done!” Instead of “It’s a Wrap?” Okay, that’s not a great […]