
film terminology

What is a Switcher in Video Production?

What is a Switcher in Video Production? During film production, particularly when producing broadcast media or a livestream, various equipment and hardware is required in order to achieve the desired output results for your audience. Devices such as the video mixer, or switcher, are frequently used in video production and […]


What is The Rule of Thirds in Film?

What is The Rule of Thirds in Film? Telling a story visually is a lot of hard work and requires more than just a point and shoot attitude from the filmmaker. Every detail in regards to how the scenes are captured, how the camera is moved, and how elements or […]


Different Types of Mobile Framing Techniques in Film

Different Types of Mobile Framing Techniques in Film To the naked eye, a film may be a powerful image that is exciting and fun to watch, but the audience pays little mind to the resources, skills, and technique that go into creating the video. Each film shot is actually an […]


What is Mobile Framing in Film?

What is Mobile Framing in Film? Cinematography represents the shots that are produced by the filmmaker, but different types of cinematographic quality and various techniques can impact the outcome of the shots that are captured. The filmmaker is in control of the cinematography as well as the quality and individual […]


Techniques on Composition and Framing in Film

Techniques on Composition and Framing in Film As a filmmaker, Composition and Framing in Film represent two very important considerations that should be made with literally every shot that is captured. If you’re new to filmmaking, and you’ve never thoughtfully picked up a camera with the intent of producing something […]


What is the Difference Between Shot Reverse Shot and Eyeline Match?

What is the Difference Between Shot Reverse Shot and Eyeline Match? Various camera movements and filmmaking techniques are employed in order to maintain continuity in film so that the audience does not immediately notice that edits or the mechanisms of filmmaking have been engaged in the sharing of a visual […]


What Was the First Film Sound Effects

What Was the First Film Sound Effects?

What Was the First Film Sound Effects? Some of the most iconic moments in cinematic history are those which include heart-griping, spine-tingling sound effects. For instance, the lightsaber in Star Wars and The Wilhelm Scream from various films, sound effects capture and convey some of the most memorable moments in […]


What Should Be In a Pitch Deck For Film

What Should be in a Pitch Deck for Film?

What Should be in a Pitch Deck for Film? Producing a film is hard work. The industry is fast paced, over-saturated, and expensive. Small mistakes can cost big, particular when it comes to your pitch. Creating a pitch deck for you film that’s going to land you a distribution deal […]


Should You Write a Treatment Before a Script

Should You Write a Treatment Before a Script?

Should You Write a Treatment Before a Script? Understanding when and in what order to write a treatment, script, or screenplay can be particularly challenging for a beginner. The terms, film treatments, screenplays, and scripts are often used interchangeably creating a misconception that they are all the same or that […]