2024 B2B Video Marketing Trends & Predictions

2024 B2B Video Marketing Trends & Predictions If 2021 was the year that brands would embrace a digital first strategy, then 2024 is the year that those same brands might move to an all-video strategy! That’s right, we’re seeing a huge push toward the use of video at every stage of the marketing and sales […]

Should You Use Video Marketing in Business?

Should You Use Video Marketing in Business? Ask any group of 100 people in the United States if they watch video online on a daily basis, and you’ll almost certainly have somewhere around 60 people that say “YES.” If you’re in an area where you survey a lower overall age group, you’ll probably be closer […]

B2B Consumer Marketing Video Content Facts & Statistics

B2B Consumer Marketing Video Content Facts & Statistics With 2022 nearing, marketers widely accept the fact that video is vital to any marketing campaign. Not only are we finding that B2B consumer marketing video content is gaining popularity as it works its way toward becoming the number one choice for businesses to market to other businesses […]

How to Make Local Business Video Marketing Successful for Your Brand

How to Make Local Business Video Marketing Successful for Your Brand The use of video in conjunction with a variety of local business marketing techniques is key to producing a local business video marketing campaign that will be most successful for your business. While the use of SEO, email, paid marketing, and a variety of […]

How to Make a Good Commercial Video for Your Small Business

How to Make a Good Commercial Video for Your Small Business The most effective video advertisements are less about the business, and more about the audience. Learning how to make a good commercial video for your small business is all about planning and taking action to connect with your intended audience. In fact, video marketing […]

Why Micro Video Marketing is a Must for a Killer Marketing Strategy

Why Micro Video Marketing is a Must for a Killer Marketing Strategy Micro videos are not new, they’ve been popular for several years and continue to be a sticking point for brands that are seeking to establish connections online, especially those seeking to connect with the younger generations. We see micro video content consistently gaining attention […]

5 Professional Micro Video Marketing Tips for Success

5 Professional Micro Video Marketing Tips for Success How can you ensure that each of your micro videos is a success? Before production even begins, you should be considering your marketing efforts for your video. Micro video marketing actually begins the minute you think about using micro videos in your social media marketing campaigns. To […]

6 Animated Sales Video Production Projects to Boost ROI

6 Animated Sales Video Production Projects to Boost ROI Animated videos have the power to curb consumer attention and generate revenue for your brand. These highly-effective, engaging video projects can increase conversions and generate significantly higher sales leads when you focus on delivering content that truly connects with your audience. In fact, some of the […]

5 Reasons to Produce an Animated Sales Video

5 Reasons to Produce an Animated Sales Video Animated videos are widely accepted both online and on television, but producing an animation can be time-consuming and costly. While viral videos online often have animations, you may not be fully invested in the idea of jumping in line to produce an animated sales video just because […]