How to Make a Good Commercial Video for Your Small Business

The most effective video advertisements are less about the business, and more about the audience. Learning how to make a good commercial video for your small business is all about planning and taking action to connect with your intended audience. In fact, video marketing is the most sophisticated, and powerful form of marketing communication for small business owners, but too many are doing it all wrong! Too many small business owners are focusing too much on “Me” and not enough on the “You” of marketing.

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Depending on who your audience is, the majority of those that small business owners market to are more interested in learning how to solve their own problems, not so much about learning about a particular product or service. So, when you’re learning how to make a good commercial video for your small business, think about who your audience is and what you can do to deliver informative content to them that will help them to recognize your products or services as a problem solver for their needs.

Follow these tips and you’ll be on your way to creating commercial videos for your brand:

1. Plan those First Few Seconds and Make them Count

You’ve literally got 3-7 seconds to make a first impression on the viewer and to keep them interested. What you do with your video in that time is the difference between whether you succeed with your marketing, or not!

This is a crucial time to make or break your content. It’s important to provide your audience with important information that will help them to feel connected to your brand, instantly.

Make an effort to connect with your audience on an emotional level, hooking them in so that they want to stick around for the remainder of your commercial. This is important!

2. Deliver a Story that Connects with Your Audience

Team Beverly Boy filming Customer testimonial video

Storytelling time… But really, that’s what the most profitable commercials do these days, they tell a story and they do it in a way that connects with the intended audience on a deeply personal or emotional level. As you learn how to make a good commercial video for your small business, think about how you can deliver a story that your audience will connect with and what you can do to help them see the value in your offer.

3. Build Trust & Highlight Your Brand

The focus cannot all be on your brand, but there is a point and time where it’s safe to build trust and highlight your brand in your commercial. As you’ve got your viewers engaged and interested, answering questions they have or otherwise showing them why they should trust you (because you or your brand understand the real world problems that they are dealing with – and how to help).

As you build trust, show why your brand is different, highlight the successes that you have achieved or the ways that your brand solves problems that other brands cannot. Subtleness is okay here, but you must be effective!

4. Keep it Short & Sweet

Learning how to make a good commercial video for your small business is equal parts planning and understanding your audience as it is understanding how people digest video content in today’s fast paced world. Nobody wants to watch a 3 minute commercial! Well, at least, few people do.

The majority of people will stick around for a commercial that is 30-60 seconds at most, some will stick around for up to two minutes, but you start to lose a lot of traction after that point. Keep your video ad to 30 seconds or less for the maximum engagement.

5. Include a Call to Action

cta call to action

Growing up, you might have been told that it’s not nice to tell people what to do, but that’s all gone when it comes to learning how to make a good commercial video for your small business. Telling your audience what you want them to do is important – it’s actually so important, that we have a name for it.

It’s called a Call to Action, or a CTA. Including a CTA in the final seconds of your video can greatly improve conversion rates for your content, because it eliminates the guesswork for the audience — they know what you expect of them, and they can take action.