Should You Use Video Marketing in Business?

Ask any group of 100 people in the United States if they watch video online on a daily basis, and you’ll almost certainly have somewhere around 60 people that say “YES.” If you’re in an area where you survey a lower overall age group, you’ll probably be closer to 90 and if you’re in an area where the overall age group is above 60 and you might be closer to 50, but you’ll almost certainly be over 50 for the most part. So, should you use video marketing in business?

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This is just a simple consideration of how many people could you reach if you were to use video, and in every age group, if you were to ask, you would have at least 50% and generally closer to 80% of people that would state they watch videos daily online.

The question shouldn’t be “should you use video marketing in business,” but instead it should be, “How should you use video marketing in business.”

Because you really need to be using video to your business marketing advantage, even if it’s limited to just 1 or 2 videos per month.

Video Marketing Statistics

If you’re trying to figure out whether you should use video marketing for your business, or not, you should look closely at the trends and statistics supporting this medium.

No other form of content has the power to generate such close relationships with customers, such ROI, or such engagement the way video does.

Consider the following statistics that support the benefits of using video marketing in business:

  • 72% of customers would rather learn about a product or service through video.
  • 84% of consumers have been convinced to make a purchase after they see a branded video.
  • Marketers that use video grow revenue 49% faster than those that don’t.
  • 87% of marketers are happy with the ROI of their video marketing.

As you can see, there’s not really a question about how effective video is, so instead of “Should you use video marketing in business.”

Let’s talk about how you should be using video, and what it can do for your brand!

Where to Use Video Marketing for Your Business

Video marketing has the ability to drive consumer awareness, increase your organic rankings online, and generate strong relationships among your customers and members of your target audience.

Not sure how you can get started? 

Consider the following:

  • Using the word “video” in email subject line increases open rates by 19%.
  • 90% of consumers state that video increases their likelihood of purchasing a product or service on social media.
  • Video on landing pages can increase conversions by 80%.
  • Webpages with video rank higher organically & keep visitors on the page longer.

SO, where should you use video marketing in business?

In your emails, on your website and webpages, on your landing pages, and on social media.

These are all great places to get started with video. 

How to Use Video Marketing in Business

Now that you know where to use video marketing in business, let’s take a look at how you can employ the use of video for your various marketing efforts.

First things first, video marketing shouldn’t be something that you do occasionally.

This needs to become part of your marketing campaigns, something that you do regularly for your brand.

Viewers prefer video over any other type of content, so this is your chance to get started with content that your audience actually wants to see!

Consider these types of video marketing that you should be using for your business:

  • Branded videos – these might be part of your overall advertising and marketing campaigns. They boost brand awareness, and can increase traffic to your brand online.
  • Explainer videos – these show your audience how your products or services work, they explain important facts or benefits to your audience, and are used to entertain and educate your audience.
  • Event videos – these showcase what your brand does, representing memorable events such as industry conferences or networking which humanizes your brand personalizing the experience for your audience.
  • Live videos – these personalize and promote your brand offering your audience a direct connection to your business through the presentation of events, interviews, or live interactive experiences.

Videos that Attract Customers:

  • Educational videos – things like how-to videos and similar experiences are ideal for your marketing campaigns. These videos attract customers, build brand awareness, and offer solutions that resonate with your audience.
  • Demo videos – these show off your products or services deep within the sales funnel so that consumers learn the benefits and key areas of importance relative to your brand for increased likelihood of purchase.
  • Interview videos – these prove your industry authority and build trust among your audience while positioning your brand in a particular niche.
  • Testimonial videos – these prove customer satisfaction and experience with your brand while influencing trust and generating stronger sales.

So, should you use video marketing in business? Absolutely!

You should be using video marketing in a variety of ways throughout your business.

From your emails to your website, your social media campaigns and your landing pages.

Your videos should be used throughout your business to generate stronger customer relationships, increase trust among your brand, and generate sales or revenues related to the products and services that you offer.

If you’re not already using video, or you’re looking for ways to use more video in your marketing, give Beverly Boy Productions a call!

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