Product Pitch Video Best Practices to Increase Profits for Your Business

What can we learn from huge corporations like Apple, Shopify, Amazon and Tesla when it comes to pitching a product? When you want to increase profits for your business, where do product pitch videos come in and what are the best practices that the average business owner might not know about despite larger corporations having a stronghold on? 

These are common questions, and they’re good questions, too! When it comes to increasing profits with product pitch videos, it’s important to understand that certain best practices come into play with each and every product pitch video that is produced. So what are these best practices, that big brands and strong corporations are utilizing when producing their product pitch videos that the smaller businesses and brands might not know?

At Beverly Boy Productions, we work with a variety of clients, large and small. As professional film producers with more than two decades in the industry and plenty of experience to share, we’ve put together a list of the most important product pitch video best practices that can be employed in the production of your product pitches for success & increased profits. 

Always Introduce with a Humanized Approach

The best way to introduce a product to your audience is to start your product sales pitch with a humanized approach. People relate with people they don’t relate with things, or ideas, or services – they relate with people! So the more you can take steps to approach your product pitch video such that you use a humanized approach to connect with your audience, person to person, the more you’re going to connect and convert.

So, how do you “humanize” your approach to pitching your product? Consider the following:

  • Never start off with a push to purchase. While the ultimate goal of your product pitch video might be to entice a purchase, you won’t get there by opening with a “hey, buy my product,” sort of approach. 
  • Warm the audience up with a greeting & relative story. The more you can help the audience feel like they relate to you and what you have to say, the better. 
  • Don’t be afraid to sneak anecdotal ideas into the pitch. These are small pieces of information that your audience is going to connect with or resonate with. An anecdote is a relative detail – so for instance, your audience loves puppies so you mention puppies, or your audience is into sports, so you make a comment about sports. You’re building a connection.

Use a Bottom Up Approach in Your Video

Your audience is thinking about your product pitch video from the second it starts playing and they’re trying to decide whether they should stick around and watch it in its entirety or not. If you can deliver a bottom up approach, such that you give your audience the facts and most important details of your video at the very beginning, and then allow the rest to play out, you’ll be better equipped to have them stick around long term. 

Explaining the key points first, in a summary, and then giving the details followed by a final summary is key. This maximizes audience attention and ensures that most of your audience members get the details that are most important out of your video. Remember, you only have about 8 seconds to grab audience attention and inspire them to stick around – make it count!

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Consider Your Storytelling Structure

The best product pitch video content is that which tells a story that your audience will relate with and engage with. There are a variety of different storytelling structures that can be used to get the point across for your product pitch video. You’ve got the opportunity to deliver your pitch in any of the following formats:

  • List format – this is self-explanatory. You have a list “5 Reasons to Consider XYZ Product.” And your audience knows exactly what to expect from the video in terms of format. 
  • Traditional hero – the hero’s journey is a traditional approach to storytelling that is structured such that the customer is the hero on a journey to find the perfect product for their problem. Personalization makes this an excellent product pitch video structure.
  • Compare & Contrast – sometimes, the best product pitch videos are those which compare and contrast the consumer’s life with, and without, the product. These can be incredibly powerful and emotionally impactful, too.

While there are many other potential formats or structures that a product pitch video could take, but these are the most prominent and profound. When producing a product pitch video, following one of these formats is generally the best approach.

product pitch video producer

Additional Product Pitch Video Best Practices

Now that you’ve got your formatting ready and you know the importance of forming a human connection with your product pitch video, consider these additional best practices:

  • Keep your videos short and simple. 
  • Don’t overlook the use of music to support your product pitch.
  • Be creative with your product pitch video. Don’t recreate the same old, same old.
  • If your workspace influences your product, don’t be afraid to show it!
  • Allow your strengths to show.

Following these product pitch video best practices, you’re bound to please your audience and make strong connections that will lead to increased profits for your business. Give it a try!