Benefits of Producing a Grocery Store Instructional Video on Product Placement

New employees have little or no knowledge about the importance of product placement in the grocery store. In fact, without training, most employees would never even consider how produce placement impacts a grocery store or retail establishment. But, store owners realize how important this is, and they know that when it comes to training employees on product placement concepts, the best way to get the job done is with video. Fortunately, there are a variety of benefits that come with producing a grocery store instructional video on product placement.

Not only do these types of videos improve employee knowledge of product placement in the grocery store, they provide deep understanding of the various ways that product placement will impact sales, how marketing is involved in the product placement choices that are made, and what they can do as an employee to maximize revenue for the grocery store through proper understanding and use of product placement.

Manufacturing Training Video Production

Visual Understanding of Cross Merchandising

First and foremost, producing a grocery store instructional video on product placement gives your team a visual understanding of cross merchandising and what it could mean for your store. This is your opportunity to teach your employees about the different ways that complimentary goods are placed together, near each other or otherwise in order to increase potential for impulse buys while helping to grow overall cart fullness. This of cross merchandising as “done for you shopping” in which products are placed together to encourage the customer to purchase in sets.

For example, you might go down the wine aisle and see the cheese is placed on a display in the same area. This isn’t by accident! This is cross merchandising, just like you go down the pasta aisle and you can find the pasta and the sauce together.

With a training video, your employees can visualize how this works so that they have a stronger understanding of the process and so that they can help around the store to increase sales.

Scenarios Based Negotiations 

If you’ve never worked at a grocery store or retail store before, you might not know that every single inch of shelf space is carefully planned and sold to the highest bidder, sort of. While it’s not entirely true, the reality is, shelf space throughout the grocery store is carefully planned to ensure maximum profits from the products that are offered for sale. Marketers actually visit grocery stores and negotiate shelf placement in order to get their products placed in the desirable “eye-level” section because eye-level increases buy-level. 

As a grocery store employee, it can be challenging to understand how this process works and the expectations of the employee once negotiations have been made. But with a grocery store instructional video on product placement, you can provide your employees with visual representation of the shelves, and scenarios-based negotiations that will prepare them to work with contractors and other competitors. 

Training videos can prepare employees for:

  • How to negotiate slotting fees with prospective vendors.
  • How to recognize products that will work well within a store and those that won’t.
  • How to drive store growth through product placement.
  • How to understand product placement and supply.

Complex Topical Reinforcement 

In addition to the various other means of training that are provided with video, when you produce a grocery store instructional video on product placement, you can expect that your employees are getting proper training on the complex topics that are important to retail product placement and management. For example, many employees don’t understand that a grocery store layout is based on a planogram concept. The planogram outlines the visual representation of all product shelving throughout the store and how marketing strategy, negotiations, sales and cross merchandising work together to result in a perfectly planned grocery store.

Concepts like these are incredibly tough to understand without a visual reinforcement. In fact, these topics can be challenging to fully grasp even with video. Fortunately, producing a grocery store instructional video on product placement ensures that your employees can re-watch videos over and over again until they feel 100% comfortable with the information that they have learned. 

As you can see, there are certainly a wide variety of potential benefits to producing a grocery store instructional video on product placement. As a grocery store owner, you should also know the key benefits of training with video which include:

  • Repeat training on auto-pilot.
  • Long-term training is covered.
  • A single training video can be used for hundreds of employees.
  • Employees can train on their time.
  • Employees can watch videos over and over to reinforce concepts and topics.
  • Management can track employee engagement.

The use of video training in your grocery store is bound to save you money too. Where any other training program would require management to teach the employee how to operate the store, with training videos, every employee can receive the same qualified training and all it costs is the upfront cost to produce the video. There are no appointments, ongoing schedule changes, or other needs.

Want to learn more about producing a grocery store instructional video on product placement? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call!