How much does it cost to produce a commercial in Catalina Foothills?

How much does it cost to produce a commercial in Catalina Foothills? We get this question regularly. At the end of the day, the final TV commercial production cost is determined by you. Whether you are looking to air your commercial on local cable through Xfinity or Cox, or local Catalina Foothills broadcast affiliates like KTTU 18 or KUAS 27, we can help.

The average cost of a television AD in Catalina Foothills could easily range anywhere from $1,500 to $150,000 it really depends on a few different variables. Read on for more details or visit our Catalina Foothills TV commercial production page to see samples and chat with us about your project. 

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30 second TV commercial in Catalina Foothills

Need a 30 second TV commercial in Catalina Foothills? Let’s say you have a small business and you don’t have a lot of money. Your competitors have launched a YouTube campaign, and now you are seeing their spots on KOLD 13. This can be quite frustrating, but you can take action. You see, if you are a smaller operation running out of Arizona and just need to get a 30 second TV commercial in Catalina Foothills under your belt to quiet the competition, don’t worry its possible. 

The cost to produce a 30 second commercial in Catalina Foothills could be as low as $1,500 – $3,500. If budget doesn’t concern you, and you just want to create something spectacular, no matter the TV commercial production cost, we can make it happen! 

Know what you want.


So, at the end of the day, the cost of producing a television commercial in Catalina Foothills/Arizona really is based on whatever you’re looking for. Looking to get the answer to How much does it cost to produce a commercial in Catalina Foothills, but don’t know what you’re looking for? Look online and you’ll find options to refer us to so we can offer an estimate. 

This will help us provide you with a quote for whatever your project may be. film commercials all over Arizona from Three Points to corporate commercials in Kohatk, as well as animated TV commercials in Marana. Reach out to us for a free quote today.

You need high production value

Videographer Prepping Camera Gear 225

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If you would like to get noticed in the region, you need something of high production value. So How much does it cost to produce a commercial in Catalina Foothills? If you want the best quality results, it’s a good idea to work with actors, makeup artist, professional camera crew, a studio, a director and a few other things. This kind of commercial could cost you around 20k to 30k.

The cost of producing a Catalina Foothills television commercial that is top notch could be high because of all of the moving parts that go into it, plus the experts you may need for the job. A professional video production company will manage your TV commercial production cost so that you understand what you’re looking for at the end of the day. 

How much does it Cost to air a local commercial in Catalina Foothills?

TV Commercial Production

So you have your finished TV spot, now how much does it cost to air a commercial in Catalina Foothills? There are a number of answers to this question. If you need a 30 second commercial in Catalina Foothills, the cost could be anywhere from $50 or $80 per spot, to $1,500, or $20,000 per spot. It’s based on various factors. If you need TV Advertising just for Catalina Foothills, or the local Catalina Foothills TV market then the price could be as low as $50 per 30 second spot.

However, if you want to reach more areas than Catalina Foothills/Arizona your message during a prime time broadcast network TV program, then you could look to spend upwards of $10,000 plus per 30 second TV spot. The catch here is that you will be available on every TV within the selected area, and can potentially reach millions of viewers with your Catalina Foothills TV Advertisement.

Final Steps

Now that your question “How much does it cost to produce a commercial in Catalina Foothills?” Has an answer, consider what else you need for your TV commercial. Each local network in the area has a way they want to receive a TV advertisement when it’s finished. Our team knows what the Catalina Foothills networks are searching for. Let Beverly Boy Productions bring your ideas to life. Call now!