5 Ways to Use Bakery Customer Testimonials to Sweeten Up Your Conversions

Running a bakery is hard work; marketing the bakery is equally challenging. Ask anyone in any city if they have a favorite local bakery and they’re likely to have at least one answer for you. Almost everyone loves sweets, and even if they aren’t real big on them, they’ve almost certainly found themselves in situations (holidays, birthdays, special occasions) in which they’ve needed to order enough sweet treats to go around. These positive experiences lead to positive reviews, or feedback, which can have profound impacts on a bakery.

Bakery customer testimonials can deeply impact the success of the business. In fact, there are a number of ways that customer testimonials can be used by a bakery to sweeten up conversions drawing in more revenue for the brand. So whether you’re promoting your bakery via your own business website, with email marketing campaigns, via a landing page, or social media, we’ve got some popular ways that you can use bakery customer testimonials to sweeten up your conversions increasing customers, social shares, and sales for your bakery business.

  1. Include Bakery Customer Testimonials on Social

Social proof is a term we hear a lot lately; this psychological phenomenon essentially implies that people are more likely to trust the recommendations of their peers and conform to the actions of others under the assumption that doing so is reflective of what can be considered correct behavior.  Therefore when you include customer testimonials about your bakery on your social media profiles including Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Linkedin, and TikTok you’re implying that other customers love your bakery, which is social proof that prospective customers should love your bakery too. 

  1. Include Bakery Customer Testimonials on Landing Pages

If you’re running an ad campaign, such as Google AdWords or you’re running ads on social media, you’re most certainly sending your traffic somewhere – probably to a landing page for your bakery. By including customer testimonials on your landing pages, you can expect your audience to stick around on the page longer and they are more likely to convert. In fact, businesses have seen varied results with the use of bakery customer testimonials on landing pages, but most have been positive and highly effective for conversions.

Businesses that have included testimonial videos on their landing pages have experienced higher sales, up to 200% more revenue, and higher overall consumer retention than when they produce landing pages that do not include video. 

studio for interview

  1. Include Bakery Customer Testimonials on Your Website 

Did you know that adding customer testimonial videos to your website can increase your traffic rankings on search? You can rank higher for more keywords with the use of video on your website and by sharing video you will keep your traffic on site longer which reduces bounce rate, another metric that Google pays attention to when determining how and where to rank your website in the search engines. 

Including bakery customer testimonial videos on your website can have a positive impact on your conversions. You’ll have higher traffic rank, higher click through rank, and lower bounce rate and you could also increase your website related sales.

  1. Include Bakery Customer Testimonials in Email Campaigns

If you’re sending out emails to your customers, or to website subscribers, or if you share a weekly newsletter, you could be getting more out of your email campaigns by including bakery customer testimonials. There are a variety of options and ways to incorporate testimonial videos into your email campaigns, you could:

  • Use them to help you sell more bakery products.
  • Use them share customer problems and the solutions offered by your bakery.
  • Use them to provide insight into what customers think of your latest baked goods.
  • Use them to persuade prospects into coming to your bakery for a first time.

Businesses that have included a video in email campaigns, and included the word “video” in the subject line of their campaign have reported as much as 300% higher click-through-rates when compared to campaigns that excluded the word or did not include video at all. 

  1. Include Bakery Customer Testimonials on Product Pages

Do you sell bakery items direct through your website? Even if you don’t actually sell items from your website, you likely have product pages that help your audience to see the different kinds of sweets and other goods provided by your bakery? By incorporating bakery customer testimonials on the product pages of your website, you can generate more traffic to the pages and will keep your audience on the page longer which has been proven to increase the chance that the audience will buy or otherwise convert in some capacity.  

Ready to put bakery customer testimonials to work for your business? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call today!