Create Better First Days with New Hire Welcome Video Content

You’ve hired a new employee, and they’re starting tomorrow — do you have their onboarding process in order? Do you have a management member ready to train them? Is someone available to guide them through the steps of their first day? How will you welcome them? What about a new hire welcome video?

All of these questions arise when a newly hired employee is starting, and often, coordinating the first days for a new employee can be tough on everyone involved. Add to that, the fact that the first impression that new employees may have of your business will depend on how these first days go when they are hired and if things don’t go just right — your new employee may not stick around very long. Employee turnover occurs within the first 45 days for 20% of all new hires. Most of the time, employees that quit a job this early do so because the onboarding process was ineffective. 

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new hire welcome video

A new hire welcome video can help your business create a system for new hires that results in better first days for your employees and lowers the turnover rate during those first 45 days. An excellent new hire welcome video can build excitement for the job while preparing the employee for the concepts that they must understand in order to be effective in their position and to feel confident about the job at hand. Let’s take a look at how you can create better first days for your employees by providing new hire welcome video content for each new hire that will add value to your onboarding process and improve the new hire experience.

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When to Use New Hire Welcome Video Content

First off, let’s talk about how to use video onboarding for your newly hired employees. We’re calling this new hire welcome video content because that’s what it is — it’s a set of video content options provided to newly hired employees to welcome them to the job. But, that doesn’t mean you want to just create a single, stand-alone, welcome video and call it a day! Employee learning and the development of skills in their new position will take place in the first few months that they are on the job — and remember, many will leave in the first 45 days. Thus, you want to create content that will support these employees throughout their probationary period so that you can foster their growth and commitment to the job and reduce the turnover rate.

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First Day Welcome Videos

Show new hires the ins and outs of the position. Help them learn how to access company technology and help them connect with others on the job. Offer introductions and bios or backgrounds on the top people that they should communicate with. Also, offer position-specific details that will help them feel at ease in their position. This is also a good time to define goals for the new hire onboarding process.

Video Support for the First 30 Days

These videos should provide employee training for their roles. Offer support for tasks that they must learn and provide key information that will help the employee to work confidently in their role. This is also a good time to filter in some onboarding videos that help your employees to get to know corporate benefits, insurance programs, and how to ask for time off, vacation, and other HR topics.

employee watches training video

Video Support for the First 60 Days

This is a time to help newly hired employees continue to excel in their position. Provide learning opportunities to help them further improve their skills and ease into their role. Now is also a good time to provide video content that helps new hires celebrate the milestones they’ve accomplished thus far.

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Video Support for the First 90 Days

You’ve surpassed the 45-day point that 20% of new hires tend to quit, so it’s certainly a time to celebrate. Now is also a good time to start engaging your newly hired employee in quizzing for their tasks. Consider videos that help employees to apply the skills they have learned and continue to offer ongoing training to help them master their skills.

Ready to put new hire welcome video content to work for your team? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call today and we’ll help you start using new hire welcome video content to your advantage!

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