Quick Tips on Preparing for Case Study Video Shoots

If you’ve been asked to be present as a part of a case study video shoot, you’re probably wondering what you can do to prepare yourself for the big day. Case study video shoots are typically a one day, incredibly busy set day that involves several interviews taking place and a lot of filming that can be nerve wracking if you’re new to the film set or you’ve never been involved in a film production before. Preparing for case study video shoots ahead of time will help you to feel more at ease and comfortable with the process.

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How Film Crews Prepare for Case Study Video Shoots

As a film crew, Beverly Boy Productions takes special precaution to prepare for case study video shoots. Before the shoot day, we’ll work on our shot list and a plan for the interviews that will take place on film day. We’ll coordinate equipment needs and make sure that we’ve got everything in order so that we can run the film shoot without any interruptions or roadblocks getting in the way.

To prepare, our film crews take the following steps ahead of any case study video shoots that we’re involved in:

  • Review project brief to ensure a firm understanding of the project expectations.
  • Coordinate equipment and ensure backup batteries are fully charged.
  • Prepare cameras and other essential gear for the shots included in the shot list.
  • Coordinate lighting and prepare the set for the shots that are intended ensuring that the set has all appropriate lighting set up for maximum capture of visual emotions.
  • Set up audio equipment including any microphones or gear that will eliminate sound interruptions.
  • Prepare subjects for interviews.

On shoot day, we’ll also work hard to ensure that everything comes together just right without any wasted time. Time is money on the film set, and since we’ve likely scheduled the entire case study video production to take place over the course of just a few hours, we want to be sure that everything is in order. 

Our team will prepare for case study video shoots on set in the following ways:

  • We’ll test all equipment and make sure that there are no distractions on set.
  • We’ll check makeup and hair for our subjects to ensure everyone looks their very best for the camera.
  • We’ll set up the camera, audio, and lighting equipment to ensure that we can capture high quality, usable footage while we’re shooting.
  • Each take will be carefully tracked so that the video editors will have everything they need in post-production.
  • We’ll make sure that there is consistency with each shot, that there are no issues with shot composition, and that each series of shots appear to have come from the same camera, view, and set.
  • Make notes of any changes that occur on set which could risk losing the accuracy of the footage in post.

When you hire a professional film crew, like Beverly Boy Productions, to help with case study video shoots that are required as part of the creation of your professionally produced case study, you can rest assured that we’ve done our best to prepare.

How Interview Subjects Can Prepare for Case Study Video Shoots

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Now, how can you prepare? It’s quite common for our interview subjects or clients to wonder what they can do to prepare for case study video shoots the way that our team prepares ahead of the shoot. Fortunately, there are several things that you and your subjects or anyone that will be involved in the shoot can prepare ahead of the shoot day.

Consider the following:

  • Wear solid color clothing unless you are told otherwise by the film crew. Avoid blue or green if the shoot will include any green screening.
  • Prepare your hair and makeup ahead of time unless you have hair and makeup on set in which case you can come with minimal product used.
  • Avoid wearing a lot of jewelry which will be flashy and could create glare in the camera.
  • Take your time to prepare answers to your questions and to practice how you will answer them on camera. You don’t need a written script, but you should have an idea of what you intend to say.
  • Arrive early ahead of your call time. If you don’t have a call time, arrive early on set.
  • Be prepared to listen to what the camera crew has to share with you. They will guide your positioning on camera and they’ll help you understand where to look when you’re speaking.
  • Leave your phone or other electronics at the car, or put them on silent when on set so that there is no noise – do not turn them to vibrate as this too could make enough noise to interrupt the shoot!
  • Ask questions ahead of time so that you can prepare yourself. Once on set, being quiet is key.

Want more quick tips on how to prepare for case study video shoots? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call today!