Benefits of Producing YouTube Videos for Business

Clients come to us all the time saying, “We need more views.” Or “We need more traffic.” Or “How can we make our videos result in higher sales?” At Beverly Boy Productions, we’re used to business owners having a lot of questions, especially about the video production process. If you’re thinking about producing YouTube videos for business, and your goals are more views, more traffic, more sales, we can help! Fortunately, there are many benefits that come along with producing YouTube videos for business, and some of them are directly related to sales, views, traffic and other common goals that come from business owners that are just trying to make ends meet.

If you’ve already got a YouTube channel, but you’re struggling to see the value, we’ve got answers for you, too! You see, the benefits of producing YouTube videos for business largely depend on how you use the platform, what type of content you create, and whether or not you’re appropriately targeting your audience. Really, audience targeting is huge! If you’re targeting your audience the right way with your YouTube videos for business, you should be seeing conversions whether it’s leads, calls, sales, traffic, views, or anything else.

youtube marketing tip

YouTube Videos Increase Brand Recognition

Producing YouTube videos for business will help people come to recognize your brand. In fact, the more you post to YouTube, the more people are going to see your content and the more they see your content, the more likely they will be to recognize your brand. Not only do YouTube videos increase brand recognition, but they also increase your chances of coming up in Google search results. 

Google owns YouTube, so posting to YouTube can help you get found by Google. When it comes to the SERPs (search engine results pages) sometimes it’s just a numbers game. The more you post, the more you come up in search.

YouTube’s Audience is 1.9B Monthly Active Users

The video giant owned by Google happens to have 1.9B active subscribers and when you post videos to YouTube, you’re increasing your potential of your content being seen by any or all of them. In fact, YouTube’s audience watches 5B videos per day. The audience, which breaks down to about 30M visitors per day, is always looking for the next video to like, comment, or share on.

YouTube’s active viewers engage in about 40 minutes of video per day via the platform. And with local versions across more than 88 countries with more than 75 languages, you can post content in just about any language and it could potentially be found and seen!

YouTube Videos have High Conversions

When clients come to as asking what they can do to get their videos to increase conversions, one of the first things that comes to mind is the fact that YouTube videos simply have higher overall conversions than other forms of content. In fact, video content, specifically, convers up to 12times more than other forms of content and consumers are able to process video 60K times more quickly than they can text.

Posting YouTube videos for business to your channel has a number of benefits that can lead to higher conversions for your brand including:

  • Increased personalization.
  • Increased humanization.
  • Increased understanding of your target messaging.
  • Improved trust in your brand.
  • Increased connections with your audience.

Brands that really want to connect with their target audience should be creating YouTube videos to benefit their brand!

Businesses can Maximize Profits with YouTube Ads

If you really want to increase your conversions or profits, producing YouTube videos for business that include the presentation of YouTube Ads is the way to go. Advertising with video on YouTube is a great way to reach a larger, more precise audience and to grow revenue for your campaigns.

YouTube video ads run through Google but they act different than your typical adwords. They can be used to build consumer trust in your brand while also building up your authority online. YouTube video ads are a great way to boost your business and they’re one of the many benefits offered by YouTube for business owners.

With YouTube ads, you can reach an incredible large, very refined audience. Like other forms of paid advertising, your decision to incorporate YouTube video ads into your marketing mix allows you to make your content front and center for your audience. 

As you can see, the benefits of producing YouTube videos for business are certainly plentiful and just as varied as the platform itself and the many businesses that choose to utilize this internet giant for their growth and exploitation. If you’re looking for ways that you can put YouTube to work for your business, consider any of the benefits mentioned here as well as the many others that are industry specific or relevant to very specific brands or audiences.

To learn more about producing YouTube videos for business, give Beverly Boy Productions a call. We’ve got more than two decades of experience in the fast-paced video production industry and can’t wait to assist you with the production of video content that’s going to speak volumes to your audience.