Top New Orleans Video Production Insights 2024 – Trends You Need To Know

The video trends you need to know about for 2024 are true game changers. If you have thought of using film to tell your company’s story, you are not alone. In 2020, more than 60 percent of corporations did just that, and in 2024, that number has grown to more than 80 percent. If you want to stay relevant, you need to make a smart investment in your company’s marketing strategy and hire a top New Orleans video production company to help you create a compelling video campaign that will speak to your consumers. When you have to choose what New Orleans video production agency to select, you need to decide what trends you think will work for your brand and make sure the company you are hiring can create a film with those trends for you.

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Creating A Personalized Video Production

Today’s consumers like to feel as if you are speaking directly to them, and they like to get to know corporations before buying into their services and products. If you want to tailor a video production to your customers so that they feel like they are connecting with you, you should hire a video producer that is familiar with website video production. You are able to use today’s technology to create video content that is both exciting, and personal, for your consumers.

The easiest way to do this is to hire a full-service New Orleans video production company who will create a film campaign for you, and then embed that directly into your website or an application that has been specifically created for your company. When your consumer enters their information into that application or into a form on your website, the video you have filmed is personalized using their information, and it gets customized for them.

Building Your Story With A Video Production Studio

You have no doubt noticed that New Orleans video marketing companies have done longer corporate films in the past. If you ask to view samples of their work, you will see this use to be the format. Today, though, that has changed and, like almost everything else in 2024, we are seeing films that entertain and get to the point, while also being shared on many different platforms at once so that they can reach the max amount of viewers in one go.

From a manager of a business in Orleans Parish, or an advertising agency on Bourbon Street in the French Quarter, it is important to hire a production company that has experience with digital marketing in South Louisiana if you utilize this trend, because the films will be shared on multiple digital platforms. These short films keep a customer entertained but don’t drag on so long that the consumer loses interest, but to do them properly, and make your story flow, you will need to hire a video production studio. A video company won’t be able to offer you all the things that a full service video production studio can in order to keep your shorter films organized, consistent, and cohesive.

Using Hybrid Video Production Services in New Orleans

Engaging an entertaining your customer is important, of course, but you also want to show them something that they don’t see every day. Hybrid Video Production Services are able to do that for you. Hybrid video production means combining both live streaming with video, and having a Top New Orleans video production company that knows how to do live streaming and webcasting is going to be important if you decide to do this type of video production.

Live streams are rising in popularity, but you also want to work with a New Orleans production house that can help you add in video elements to make your livestream stand out. You can add in an action chyron or lower third within the stream, or you can insert a lower third graphic into webcast streaming. Combining live streaming and video is a way to have a call to action without interrupting a live feed, and it gives your customers more information than a standalone live stream or video.

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Working With Film Production Companies That Know The Value of Micro-Films

In today’s world, information is the name of the game, and today’s consumer generally prefers to get their information and entertainment on social media sites. Hiring New Orleans film production companies that specialize in micro films, or films that are 30 seconds or less, is a smart move because micro films are a trend that is easy to capitalize on. Film Production companies in New Orleans that have created these films for social media sites are especially important, because social media makes it easier for you to share and view these extremely short films. When you work with a creative agency that understands the value of social media, they are able to assist you with a video marketing campaign that can set your company up for success in 2024 and beyond.

Book a New Orleans Production Company That Handles Live Interviews

One of the most well-known trends these days is the “live” video, which is generally associated with social media sites. However, that same idea is now being used by corporations to help them stand out in 2024. When you choose to do a live video, you may not want to do it with a phone by yourself, so hiring a New Orleans production company that does live interviews and live streams is going to be important.

The production company can help you set up a livestream where you are able to interview someone on your staff, have a reporter interview you, or simply have a discussion amongst the top CEOs in your company to give consumers a glimpse of what is coming down the pipe for your company’s future, and to let them see what is going on with your company on a day-to-day basis. These live interviews are something that you should consider doing frequently, so using a top New Orleans video production company that is near you will be important so that you can have a company readily available to do the live stream and interviews.

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Work With A New Orleans Video Production Agency That Uses Blogging

Take a moment and think about what you need from a New Orleans video production agency. You’re probably considering all of the film services that they will offer, correct? Today’s market, though, combines blogs and film to tell a story in a way that the stories have not been told before. The top production companies in New Orleans are now creating short films that have a call to action inserted in them, such as telling customers to visit a website, and that helps drive consumers to a site.

What keeps them there, though? Blogs. A skilled video production agency can help you insert short videos into your blogs, so that your consumers stay interested in your blog. Don’t have a Blog? You need to. Studies have shown that companies who have an updated blog have a stronger and more loyal following, because consumers are able to connect with that company.

There are many things to consider when you are picking out the top New Orleans video production company for filming your next production. You aren’t just going to look for “production companies near me,” anymore, because you need to consider the trends that you want to incorporate into your video campaign. Beverly Boy Productions knows all of the top trends, and we can offer services that are not only cutting-edge, but are tailored directly for corporate videos to help you stay ahead of the game.

Top New Orleans Video Production