Benefits of Creating Talking Head Video Intros to Blog Posts 

The decision to incorporate video into your blog is really no longer something that you can sleep on, it’s more a must than ever before. In fact, producing a Video Talking Head Intro to a Blog Topic that you’re sharing on your website can have a number of potential benefits including increased search engine rankings, stronger click through rates, and improved bounce rates for your blog page as well as various other positive outcomes. If you’re not creating talking head video intros to include on your blog posts, this is your reminder to get started!

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At Beverly Boy Productions we work with clients frequently to produce talking head video intros that can be placed on websites and blogs for a variety of purposes. Not only does the addition of talking head videos improve blog rankings and outcomes, but it will help your audience to feel more connected with you and your brand, too.

To learn more about creating talking head video intros that you can incorporate into your blog posts, give our team a call!

  1. Personalization, Relationship Building & Trust


There’s something special that occurs when you share a video of yourself talking to your audience, especially when your business operates solely or almost completely online. Visitors that see a Video Talking Head Intro to a Blog Topic that you’re about to share will feel more personally connected to your brand, they’ll feel more like there is a relationship there between you and them, and they’ll be more trusting of your business.

As you probably already know, with trust comes conversions, so there is significant power in the use of a talking head video that helps your audience to be more trusting in who you are and what your business provides.

  1. A Greater Sense of Relation & Relatable Content

The inclusion of a talking head video on your blog post is a great way to build up a sense of relatable content for your audience. You’ll notice that including a video intro as part of your blog post is likely to produce immediate clicks and views from your audience, which is a great way to generate a strong sense of page value for your business, but it’s also a great opportunity for your audience to see who you are and how you are relatable to them. This too builds trust.

  1. Improved Search Engine Rankings

Google loves video almost as much as your audience will love video which is why it’s really important to consider the use of simple, but informative talking head videos that introduce your blog topics and provide visual details to support your community.

Pages that include a video are more likely to rank in the top 33% of the search engines. In fact, many first page search engine rankings are websites and webpages that include video on them.

  1. Stronger Audience Engagement

You’ll find that when you include a talking head video intro that represents each blog post or topic that you write about, you’ll be able to reach an entirely new or different audience that you couldn’t reach with just the written word. Many people don’t enjoy reading as much as others, and those people might be less likely to engage with your blog unless you have video on it, too.

By including a Video Talking Head Intro to a Blog Topic that you’re publishing on your website you’ll be reaching this new audience of people who may not be likely to read your blog, but they will engage with your blog and with your brand if you provide content that resonates with them, such as video. This increased engagement is ideal for your brand because it shows that your blog is valuable to a wider audience and this too will improve your rankings.

  1. Lower Bounce Rate

When users visit your blog they have the choice to stick around and read, or they can perform another action, or they can leave. If they leave right away, it is considered a “bounce,” which is not very good for search engine rankings nor is it good for your conversions.

When you decide to include a Video Talking Head Intro to a Blog Topic at the top of your blog page you’ll quickly see that the page results in a lower overall bounce rate because your audience is more likely to click on the video and, even if they don’t watch it all the way through, doing so will reduce the measure of a “bounce” if that user were to later leave the page. Improving your bounce rate is a significant ranking factor that can impact the position that your website, webpage or blog page holds in the search engines.

At Beverly Boy Productions we’re prepared to help you create talking head video intros that you can share across your blog to represent the various topics that you write about. Give our team a call to learn more!

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