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7 Problems with Your Marketing Videos & How to Correct Them

Are you producing marketing videos but not seeing great returns? If you’re having trouble with your marketing videos and you feel like you’re spinning your wheels, it’s time to take action and stop wasting your money on content that isn’t working for your business. The fact is most marketing videos that don’t perform well have the same mistakes in common. These are the top problems with your marketing videos and what you can do to prevent producing marketing videos that suck.

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1. You’re Not Targeting Your Audience

Knowing your target audience is a vital element for video production just as it’s vital for written content production.

If you don’t know your target audience, and I mean know them as in what makes them tick, what makes them convert, and why, then you cannot possibly produce content that will work. Before you produce marketing videos, make sure that you know your target audience and you are focusing on delivering content that they need.

target audiance

2. You Tried DIY Videos

You can cut costs in a lot of marketing areas, but video production isn’t one of them. If you don’t have professional video production skills, you probably can’t produce a marketing video that will stand up to the competition.

You have to spend money to make money. As you think about marketing videos, consider a budget to allow for professional video production. Professionals have skills that the average marketer simply doesn’t carry. After all, you wouldn’t hire just anyone to write your content, would you? The same is true for video!

3. Your Content Isn’t Compelling.

Marketing videos often fail because they don’t tell a story and they aren’t compelling. You NEED your marketing content to compel the viewer to take action. If you’re not delivering a compelling storyline, with a strong hook to start off, you’re losing your audience before you ever even get to the main point.

This goes back to hiring a professional! They’ll know how to produce marketing videos that deliver a strong hook in the first few seconds, keep the viewer engaged with a great story, and compel them to take action.


4. Your Videos are Long.

Not all long videos are bad, and not all short videos are good. But, if you’re videos are long and boring or unfocused, you’re certainly going to fail! Marketing videos need to be short, succinct, and to the point. You must deliver engaging content that grasps the viewer’s attention and keeps them hooked.

Aim for videos that are 60 seconds or less. The majority of the marketing videos that we see online can be under a minute and still perform quite well. Stay focused, deliver the key message and supporting details visually and audibly, and end with a strong CTA. That’s it!

camera crew hourly rates

5. You Have No Strategy.

Are you haphazardly creating marketing videos without a strategy or plan? You cannot possibly expect to succeed with your marketing content if you have no strategy!

A clear strategy is vital to the success of your marketing videos. You need to have a plan for the type of video you are producing, the audience you are targeting, the goal you expect to achieve with the video, and the path that you are taking. No strategy=no success.

content marketing plan

6. You Don’t Share Your Videos.

You’re creating marketing videos but you don’t share them?  That’s akin to producing content and leaving it unpublished. You cannot possibly expect an, “If you build it, they will come,” attitude to work in this day and age. You must be sharing and promoting your videos after you produce them.

Ask others to share your marketing videos too! The more you get the content out and in front of a wider audience, the greater the impact potential the content will have.


7. Your Titles are All Clickbait.

Consumers have caught on to this clickbait garbage and they don’t like it! In fact, if you keep posting videos that have clickbait titles and do not deliver an equally exciting message once the viewer clicks, you’re going to fail!

You need to take time and work on crafting the best possible title for your marketing videos, but you cannot just focus on clickbait titles that don’t deliver. Pair an eye-catching title with powerful marketing content that delivers on the title and you will succeed!


Ready to produce marketing videos that don’t suck? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call! We’ll help you produce to notch marketing videos for your business that will deliver your message to a wide audience. With decades of experience behind us, we can’t wait to support your marketing video production needs.

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